Catch-all post

Sep 04, 2009 09:21

1. I was drunk for the first time in my life last night - well, according to Mr. Mousie, I was just very buzzed, but whichever term you use, this is the most inebriated I was ever. At age 31. I fail at riotous living, apparently. It was ... interesting. I don't think I will repeat the experience as I have no love of being out of control. Also, oh God, am I a cheap date! I only had two cocktails with dinner (we went out as baby was not here).

2. I have finished Mortal Instruments trilogy, reading the last 250+ pages in a gulp in a cafe. That's 3 books in 3 days. Whatever else CC is, she wrote books I went nutty over - if I were 15 this would be my favorite set of books and I'd want to be Clary so badly. As it is, I couldn't resist it anyway.

3. I am going to watch Farscape season 4 now - my long-ago rewatch stopped with S3 finale. After all this time, it is still my favorite piece of fiction of all time, except for Lymonc Chronicles. Interested? Here is a vid that's spoilery only through S2:

image Click to view

4. This reminds me. I want to watch some English language tv/mini - can be British, American, Canadian whatever. I like: scifi, angsty romance, linear storytelling, snark, strong friendships, teenagers, tough ladies, period setting, messed-up guys. I dislike: sitcoms, stuff without strong overarching story, lawyers and doctors and prisoners (as characters), all-male casts, "wholesomeness", neurotic heroines whose only goal is a guy (Felicity, is that you?).


5. Apparently Tamra fans are staging protests over their show being cut down to 16 eps. Wait...there are Tamra fans??? Seriously. Some low-rated dramas are masterpieces (Worlds Within, Friend, Mawang etc), some are pretty good (Robbers, La Dolce Vita) but some are total crap - Tamra falls in the latter category. I have yet to understand how it can inspire anyone to anything but a great desire to turn it off.

6. Orthros no Inu ep 6 is out with subs. I cannot wait!

personal, british tv, cassandra claire, orthros no inu, youtube, doramas2, tamra the island, farscape, books, teevee

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