I am about halfway through the second episode of Orthros No Inu and I really do love it - it is completely a live-action scifi anime.
And it is beginning to raise a number of mysteries, the chief among them is how on earth Hasebe stays at her job. I do still like her but I am beginning to understand flisters who are puzzled by her. She is a cop, with a gun and everything. I don't expect her to be female Rambo but her ability to put herself into deathly peril without being able to extricate herself from same is beginning to be legendary. In a span of ep-and-a-half, she was in certainty of death three times and in every one of those times she had to rely on total chance to save her - first she confronted drug dealers, got overpowered and would have been toast if Aoi wasn't also chasing evildoers and used his funky power. Secondly, she lived because Ryuzaki wasn't feeling murderous the evening of his escape - do we see a pattern? She started both encounters with a gun only to have the other person take the gun away from her and train it on her. And thirdly, she got rescued from death by Ryuzaki. Yes, ladies and gents - when your only hope for survival is an escaped death-row murderer who happens to be in the vicinity and is feeling bizarrely quixotic for once, you should probably change jobs and take up gardening. Either you are the world's worst cop or you have the worst luck, and in either case, you should probably do something else.
The other major mystery, of course, is how can Takki be so ridiculously hot.
I kid. Sort of. Because it's all about Ryuzaki for me. I actually like Hasebe despite my ragging on her and I like Aoi, but for me it's all about Takki - what makes him tick, why is he the way he is (mentally and emotionally, not weird-power-wise). Why is the cop who arrested him so terrified of him - his funky power isn't death, after all and fine, he stabbed three guys to death, but that is a pretty ordinary murder and why a cop would be freaked out is beyond me. And speaking of stabbing - I am a little puzzled by Takki's comment "I wonder if I can really kill" - ummm, you are on death row because you can! Hmmmm. I wonder what that was all about. Interesting.
The terrified former cop who arrested him 10 years ago:
Prettiest credits ever.
This is the scene I was referring to. Hasebe is ambushed by a pissed-off drug dealer and worried over her daughter she loses. But who is it that strides to her rescue? Way to feed my wrongwrongwrongsoright ship, drama!
Seriously, this is just unfair teasing!
This comment really made me wonder.
Seriously, just stop with the unbearable hotness, OnI, please :P
I bet whatever else happens with this unpredictable drama, Ryuzaki is going to heal Hasebe's daughter's asthma. I just know it. He really doesn't appear a traditional psycho - no frothing at the mouth or anything. He looks at Hasebe and her daughter almost with pity. Which is what makes it interesting because he is obviously a bad person, still. Hmmm.
I also found it really interesting that he healed the drug dealer he stabbed and wants him to take him to drugdealer's highly politically placed father. That's one way to get an in!