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dangermousie August 27 2009, 17:48:28 UTC
I am basically allergic to 'poor little rich ___' stories.

Re: My Girl and Spring Waltz. I wouldn't count them in the category. My Girl's hero is hard-working, filial and well-adjusted who also happens to be rich. He's basically your typical good guy. And SW's hero also seems to be driven, a good son to his insane adopted parents, trying to cope with his awful background, and while not exactly cuddly to strangers, he doesn't have the sense of wronged entitlement rich brats of these dramas seem to sport.

Logan: yeah, he's a rich brat. But to me, it's sort of like Domyouji - I find it a lot more forgivable in a teen from a dysfunctional background than with someone like Hae Na (or to be equal opportunity, the guy from Only You) - a grown-up from an OK enough background who should know better. I just get impatient. Sometimes they do a very good job with this scenario - see Brilliant Legacy, where I literally felt my blood pressure go up from hatred every time I even saw the hero in the beginning but a lot of the drama was precisely about his road of hard knocks and steep learnining curve to be a human being (and thankfully, it wasn't because of romantic love, though romantic love sort of happened as a side effect). TCotL seems too mangaish to really do that well though. OTOH, while hardly character realistic, it is FUN.


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