I will be a zombie in the morning but it was worth it. Or the longest post I have ever done

Aug 20, 2009 02:13

I really hope somebody reads this because it literally took me hours.

I spent the evening watching Worlds Within. I have finished it, and it's official - it is my most favorite drama of all time, and my favorite show from anywhere of all time, except for Farscape.

I think I won't be watching drama for a few days at least because nothing will compare to this in any way.

ETA: I am shipping Joon Young with Yoon Soo Kyung all of a sudden, now. He is totally a fun nutter. I'd date him. Not to mention that when he sees her with Jun Ki, unlike Ji Oh who pretended he was fine and left without joining them even though he was not OK at all, Soo Kyung has no problem marching over there and telling her he will just wait until she is done talking to Jun Ki. He really has no inferiority issues the way Ji Oh does - he is much less brainy and 'sensitive' and emotionally vulnerable, and probably less capable of deep feelings, but that actually is a good thing in this situation - none of the stuff thst got to Ji Oh so would ever get to him. I feel bad for him, because he is totally crushing on her and has no idea she is on rebound. This ain't going to end pretty.

ETA0: It's interesting though - the excuse Joon Young gives to Jun Ki (her surgeon ex) - they should not try dating each other because both have insane schedules, will never be able to see each other and get mad. It seems right, but it's sort of an excuse - Ji Oh also had an insane schedule and they went long periods without seeing each other but that didn't dampen their relationship. In part it's because they were coworkers so they could understand each other's business better, but in part if you truly are compatible and love each other, you deal with these snags - Jun Ki and she never got there.

ETA1: I thought it was both strange and rather fitting that Kyu-Ho took Hye-Jin for a monastic stay when he 'borrowed' her for five days as their last time together before the break-up. Not that he got much serenity out of it - I loved, LOVED their break-up scene - I was crying actually. Hae-Jin so knew it was coming, and they were both sniffling and then Kyu-Ho totally broke down and cried in his car, despite trying not to OMG. I mean - Kyu-Ho! Ji Oh, take note - this is how you break up with the woman you love without making me want to stab you. Of course, Kyu-Ho is a good decade older than Ji Oh, so he is probably much more mature.

ETA2: I love it that even though Ji Oh did his best to cut Joon Young off, whenever she indicates she is fine with it and/or shuts him down as well, he is so bothered, he can't cope. You silly silly silly dork!

ETA3: Every time I see his vision going and his panic he is doing his best to control and almost-but-not-quite succeeding, all my 'mad at him' feelings disappear and I just want to hug Ji Oh and tell him it will be all right.

ETA4: Ji Oh trying to work with Writer Lee on the script and trying to ignore Soo Kyung and Joon Young romping around and failing miserably and getting more and more worked up is made of ADORABLE WIN.

ETA5: I love Writer Lee btw - she totally invited Joon Young on purpose and is stirring the pot because she wants to use some of the Ji Oh/Joon Young stuff for her next drama, heee.

ETA6: I don't post about them much, but I adore Yoon Yung/Min Chul.

ETA7: Ji Oh and Joon Young's fight at the end of 14 was EPIC. So spot-on and heartbreaking - I love that Ji Oh realizes he is being unreasonable but he can't stop - he is so screwed up, but I can't really blame him, seeing the situation he is in. I mean, if I were in his place, I'd be curled up in a ball somewhere in a corner and probably whimpering.

ETA8: Wow, Kyu-Ho's actor has a LOVELY singing voice. Mmmmm. I totally dug his karaoke-of-angst as he is watching tv reports about Hae-Jin in a scandal with a son of some high profile CEO. Woobie!

ETA9: I loved the scene with the blanket so much - such a real moment! Joon Young coming out with a blanket and seeing Ji Oh asleep all uncovered. And she goes to cover him and then stops herself and sits down and covers herself instead. And then there is a pause and she gets up and covers him, after all.

ETA10: I love it when she lights into him for being a coward. Love it. Of course, she doesn't know the whole story, but she is partially right (and from the limited info she knows, she is completely right) and also I love that she calls him on his mixed messages.

ETA11: FUCK!!!!!!!!!! OH NO, NO NO NONOOOO JI OH OH MY GOD! *clutches self and mutters happy ending happy ending happy ending* I want to curl into a ball now. I feel sick for him poor guy. The blood OMGOMGOMG FUCK. I think if I were him I'd just start screaming and not stop. OMG.

ETA12: I loved loved the scene with Joon Young asking Soo Kyung to tell her more and more about Ji Oh - she just wanted to hear about him and talk about him, whether it was good or bad, as long as she had an excuse for it to be about him.

ETA13: You know, I did not think about it before, but a lot of Ji Oh's panic must also be because of his mother - it's not just his eyes are his livelihood (and even if they weren't, what's happening to him is freaking scary) but seeing him trying to protect his mom from finding out the truth it occurred to me that if he can't work, he would also feel as if he is betraying his mother and being unfilial - he knows how much stock she places in his job, how watching his dramas is her one joy in life so his pressure must be even worse because he will believe, in addition to everything, that he has failed her.

ETA14: YESYESYESYES OMGYES he is going to Joon Young! I do have to say that this must have been a wake-up call - it does take a sort of desperate courage to ring her doorbell.


ETA16: It is so appropriate that when she asks him why he is here, he can't explain or apologize or anything but just keeps kissing her - because really how CAN he explain when he can't even understand himself (it's not as if he can tell her "I am fucked up" - not really. And not just because he still does not want to tell anyone about how bad his situation really is - maybe because it will make it true). All his love and messed-upedness and confusion are basically summed up with those mute, desperate kisses.

ETA17: I love that in their scenes it usually switches to handheld cameras - the slight shaking does indicate how immediate and off-kilter intense they make each other.

ETA18: OMG THE BED SCENE I WAS CRYING YOU GUYS BECAUSE THERE IS SO MUCH TENDERNESS. I do love that she asks him does it solve everything, because it doesn't - but it's a step, a huge one. And I love that he just kisses her in response because that is the best reply he can make her. THEY ARE SO RIDICULOUSLY RIGHT TOGETHER OMG. Yes, Ji Oh has reached the breaking point and can't be without her any more - it's a wonder he lasted this long.

ETA19: I love his constant stroking of her hair!

ETA19A: It's official, the sequence I talked about above was my favorite scene in this drama:

It was also the most amazing, tender, romantic sequence I have seen in any drama, period.


ETA21: That whole scene where he looks at her going up the stairs and closes one eye and she is a total blur and he closes the other instead and she is still blurry (though less bad) - OMG! Somehow I totally missed that both his eyes are going. FUCK. I don't care if you pull a miracle cure out of your ass, but if he goes blind I am tracking down the screenwriter down personally.

ETA22: I forgot for a bit with my main otp stuff being so all-consuming, but where and why did Kyu-Ho lit out like a bat out of hell and why was his father's lawyer trying to hold him back?

ETA23: FUCKEDY FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK KYU-HO'S FATHER SHOULD FRY IN A GIANT PIT OF OIL. So, let me get this straight - he got Kyu-Ho to break up with the girl he loved in exchange for letting Kyu-Ho's younger brother do what he always wanted - go to Prague. But in actuality he put the brother in some sort of a facility and bamboozled the younger son by saying it was for Kyu-Ho's good? THAT IS BEYOND FUCKING SICK DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE. OK, I know I sort of started swearing like a sailor but sorry - I can't help it.

ETA24: So, Ji Oh did tell Joon Young it's glaucoma but he is totally lying through his teeth about his serious it really is, isn't he? But it's not lying as much as wishful thinking, I think. And he might not be incorrect - if he takes care he might be OK. But the problem is his job and taking care are not very comparible. Also, surgeries every three months? Urk.

ETA25: Awww, he based his dream drama on THEM? Squeeeeee. I love Joon Young's smirk when she finds out. They are so totally happy together. And with more kissing! GUUUH.

ETA26: He tells her he really loves her and he is sorry and he missed her and let's never be apart again. EEEEEEE!

ETA27: Hell, his vision (not all the time, I mean, but the attacks) is worse and worse. I don't think he can see anything with one of his eyes at all, any more and the other one is barely working.

ETA28: OMG OMG Kyu-Ho went to Hae-Jin's house and saw her 'canoodling' with some other guy. And she sees him and just walks by. OMG HIS FACE.

ETA29: I wonder how much of Kyu-Ho sympathizing with Ji Oh is that he would want to be in his place (but only with Hye-Jin). Also, in what crazy universe did SHE dump YOU? Huh?

ETA30: WTF Soo-Kyung how dare you slap Joon Young. Go die in a fire!

ETA31: They are both jealous, so adorable! Heeee - he is also all upset she wants to cohabit and not get married. But look at his smirk when she tells him she told Soo Kyung that he (Ji Oh) is her everything. LOLOL adorableness.

ETA32: Piggybacking!!! I love how automatically they just WORK together. But he can't see the stars (when she is so excited and showing him). AWWW, frell.

ETA33: OMG KYU-HO/HAE-JIN FTW OMG YES YES YES YES YES MY SECONDARY OTP. (These frelling entries are getting less and less coherent). And he finally went against his father and so ahhhhh - I am grinning and rewatched the bit in her trailer 4 times. Swoopy kissing!

ETA34: FUUUUCK. I knew it was only a matter of time but still - his vision did cause a huge accident on set. OMG Hell.

ETA35: Kyu-Ho is sticking up for Ji Oh. Awww. But, of more importance, of course they are telling Ji Oh his life as a director is over. Quite right, but hell hell hell hell hell. And he is crying. Hellll. And Joon Kyung sees it all and walks off - I can see why she is mad he concealed something so huge from her. And now he is back with his parents and has to listen to his mother sobbing. How about we kill a puppy while we are at it, eehhh?

ETA36: Good news! His left eye is basically toast but he will be fine with the right one, if he takes proper care. It's still pretty awful but compared to what it could be, yay! And he is right - he can get used to seeing things differently, with time. *phew phew phew*

ETA37: EEEEEE! Joon Young came to find him on his parents' farm eeeee! The look on his face! He is trying to be all nonchalant but you can tell he is quaking in his boots - it's partly because he was terrified of this scene that he broke up with her earlier.

ETA38: His incoherent explanation in the car OMG

ETA39: I love it when she asks him to kiss her. And then he does and she asks him again and then they just kiss and start hugging each other under his jacket and eeeee!

ETA40: Heeeee - I love the beaming Kyu-Ho (OK, that's an oxymoron normally, LOL) telling Ji Oh he is dating Hae-Jin again and Ji-Oh is all 'how is that my business' and Kyu-Ho smirks. LOLOL. I adore their interactions beyond words.

ETA41: THEY ARE GOING TO LET HIM FILM AFTER ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Not the normal crazy amount and hours directors do but on a limited basis (up to 3 days a week) eeee! It's a restriction (because of his eyes and their limits) but that's fine - it means he can still do it and not have to give it up! He won't go blind (with care) and/or have to quit his job or in the best case scenario be confined to a desk. SQUEEEEEE! I love you, writer! I wouldn't care whether this is realistic or not (I would be fine with Martians coming down on earth and curing him as long as it meant he would be OK) but I do think it's fine/realistic enough - not every illness ends up in the worst-case scenario possible and while the bad could be so very bad, there is plenty of probability that it would be just as it is with Ji Oh. It's not a miracle cure.

ETA42: "I like you better than the filming." Heee. Awww. Ji Oh!

ETA43: I love how she is drinking in his joy in being able to work. OMG I SHIP THEM SO FREAKING HARD.

ETA44: Wow, Min Chul's friend (I keep forgetting his name) has awesome English!

ETA45: Time jump (one year!) I love time jumps!

ETA46: One word: SQUEE!

ETA47: I love that now Ji Oh is comfortable with Joon Young's Mom.

ETA48: Heeeeee! They are 'fighting' over who gets which scriptwriters etc. Also, apparently they are getting married? EEEEEEEEEEE!

ETA49: She does the whole 'look at this pregnancy test, looook' and he is all 'sorry' but he is totally grinning ear to ear. But she was just getting back at him and yanking his chain and trying to wheedle out better actors. Heeeee! She is all 'one line doesn't mean pregnancy' And then there is a pillow fight and she is all 'how about what you did to me.' And her final voiceover of 'no matter how beautiful the dramas we make, they can't be as wonderful as the world we live in.' EEEE!

I have over 2600 caps for the last few eps so it will take me time to sort them but I should and then expect a giant picspam.

OT: I loooove my Spyware Doctor. Best $35 I ever spent. It just detected and got rid of a rather nasty virus which was making my internet not work at all and for such an internet addict as I am, that was a nightmare :) Thank you, Spyware Doctor!

hyun bin, secondary otp, song hye kyo, doramas2, kissing, worlds within, liveblogging, screencaps

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