Just got back from G I Joe.
Guys, I has so much fun! This thing was meant to be a loud, dumb, entertaining show on a scifi channel.
How could I not like a movie that contained brainwashing mad scientists, evil lairs, Channing Tatum attempting to act (the way he looks, who cares if he can act or not - I am not in it for your talent, pretty boy), a villain with a Scottish accent, Lee Byung Hun as a hot evil ninja (who got to be all awesome with the Baronness - they were a cool evil duo - I think I will uncanon ship them), explosions every five minutes, a random Moroccan with a French accent, sexy gals in tight leather, techbabble done by models, Dennis Quaid, and a doomed OTP
I am such a sucker for 'good boy'/brainwashed messed up assassin girl' thing. And he has major guilt and her lurve overcame her programming. I approve. I might even *gasp* want fic.
Basically, a movie just for me! The only thing I objected to was not enough shirtlessness. I vote for a group shower scene - they can fight in it if they want, as a bonus.
ETA: Here, have a little villain fun for flavor (from some premiere or other)