I don't normally condone violence to women (or anyone else) but in this scene in ep 13 I wanted Jae Bin to punch Secondary Girl out.
You know, in her own, more sophisticated way, Na Yoon (Secondary Girl) is as awful as Sun Hee's husband - both are content to not just leave a significant other (which is - things happen, whatever, even if the way Sun Hee's husband did it was atrocious) but to completely abandon their child.
She ditched her son for 14 years without as much as a birthday card or letting him know she existed, and now she waltzed back and wants him to be her son again? Not to mention that she got Jae Bin's brother to pretend the child was his (so Jae Bin would view his brother as a kind of man who'd take his brother's woman) etc.
And now she has the nerve to tell Jae Bin that they have Hoon together so he can't be with Sun Hee? I literally saw red - them having Hoon together never mattered one iota to her, not even to the extent of letting Jae Bin know Hoon was his!
And when she thinks that this, the time Jae Bin has found out he has a child she ditched and never bothered to tell him about, is a good time to ask him to get back together and 'why can't you see it from my side?' - she is FRELLING insane! And then she has the nerve to bring Sun Hee and say he doesn't want to be back together with her because of Sun Hee! WTF! Not only has she lost any right to interfere in his life, but she is psychotically deluded if she thinks it's because of Sun Hee. Yes, he loves Sun Hee now, but even if he had never laid eyes on Sun Hee - why would anyone take back a woman who ditched you 15 years back (and you haven't seen since), who made you believe your brother was the kind of man who'd steal a woman from you, and who had a child with you she never let you know about and whom she dumped on your brother because she didn't feel like raising him and made him pretend this kid is brother's. And then wants to have you back as soon as you find out.
SERIOUSLY - HAS SHE BEEN DRINKING INSANITY JUICE? What man (or woman) would take a person like that back??????
And she acts as if she is the wronged party.
I think this is bugging me extra hard because I have a baby myself.