If this isn't the fangirl's ultimate fantasy, not sure what is

Jul 16, 2009 12:02

You accidentally kiss a super hot guy and now he is yours forever! Ahhhh, would be nice.

Guys, I have the best flist ever!

Thank you for helping me find He Was Cool (alternative title seems to be 'He Was gorgeous.' LOLOL. I am all for truth in advertising). I kept going crazy because I was looking everywhere under the letter "h" as opposed to 'the guy was cool' that it's labelled under.

HWC is a fluffy funny romance starring Song Seung Heon (my reason for watching) and Jang Da Bin - the plot is deliciously cracktastic. SSH is a tough guy from a vocational school who posts an insulting message on the webpage of an-all girls school (something to the eloquent effect of "You girls are all dogs, go DIAF"). Jang Da Bin is a spunky student from this all-girls school who is understandably pissed off and posts a message of similar nature back (losely interpreted it goes something like "DIAF yourself, jerk!") SSH is much displeased and threatens JDB (whom he's never met) in a typical immature dork way (calling her up and telling her she'll get it, telling her he will come to her school to sort it out etc). It is when Jang Da Bin is trying to escape that last threat (he and his buddies are waiting outside the school gates) that the hilarious scene behind the cut, which sets the plot in motion, happens. JDB decides to escape the goons by climbing over the school wall and leaving that way. What she does not realize is that SSH's character is right under that wall or that keeping her balance is rather hard. So of course she falls right on his lips, as people tend to do in Asia. (I have asked Mr. Mousie whether he or anyone he knows ever kissed anyone accidentally and received a negative. As my experience has been similarly lacking in accidental kissing, I assume that is a phenomenon related solely to Korean/Chinese/Japanese DNA - maybe DNA makes the lips magnetized?). And then - what happens is incredibly hilarious but the long and the short of it is, SSH demands that JDB takes the responsibility for despoiling his virgin lips and become his fiancee. JDB, understandably, decides he is insane with equal fervor. Fun ensues.

She tries to pay him off as she thinks he just wants to extort from her:

Ahahahahaaaaa! And here is where I finally succumbed and laughed like a hyena, almost rolling on the floor.

Anyway, I did not get much further than that as was exhausted and wanted to crawl into bed (Mr. Mousie and I went for a dinner and a walk with Baby Mousie - we try to walk with her every evening - the weather is nice, she gets to look around (she is a night owl like Mom and Dad) and she sleeps better. The dinner was fun too, though the restaurant almost ground to a halt because half the wait staff was playing with the baby - one of them even got our permission to carry Baby Mousie all over the restaurant and show her off. *maternal pride*)

HWC is, so far, delicious, funny, and adorable. Like most every poppy, non-arthousy Korean movie I have ever seen, it would have made a really adorable drama. Both SSH and JDB are much too old to be in high school, but for me that is part of the fun - I would not drool over a 17-yr-old but I am happily drooling over almost-30 SSH (I stand by my opinion - he's the sexiest Korean actor out there, for me. There are some that are 'prettier' - Lee Jun Ki looks like an anime character in the flesh and Joo Ji Hoon is almost creepily perfect-featured, but I have never seen anyone else who oozes sheer sex appeal the way SSH does).

From Fate with Kwon Sang Woo.

With So Ji Sub. Apparently they are BFFs. I am very amused at the squeals which must happen when they hang out together.

baby mousie, flist love, personal, asian films, screencaps

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