Dramas and real life

Jun 30, 2009 15:22

Mr. Mousie just called me to inform me that when he took his eyes off her for two seconds Baby Mousie somehow obtained one of my sandals (which was in the room but not in the vicinity of her play mat) and was diligently licking the sole (!!!!!). Good God, I have no idea where that shoe has been - now I see why parents have kiddie leashes :)

In drama news, I was o_O to discover that Brilliant Legacy topped 40% ratings this last week. That's insane! I am sure that has been no drama for 3-4 years that got anywhere close to this. Luckily, even though I am behind, I really do like what I have seen of this drama so far - at least here, unlike with BOF, I have no resentment over good ratings.

Also, I think I might be dumping Lawyers of Korea - I am always more of an angsty-drama girl anyway, and the male lead annoys me immensely. Basically, if 18 vs 29, City Hall, or Lovers in Paris pans out as a fun not-too-emo drama, LoK is toast (I already have my angstfill with Fashion 70s so don't need another angsty one to add to the mix but would like to add a fun one). I might also get back to 9 end 2 outs instead - I liked what I saw of it some time back.

Also, I am dying to check out Friend.

A love quadrangle with Hyun Bin, Kim Min Joon, and Seo Do Young falling for the same girl? Lucky her! Not to mention every mob story needs a gangster's moll.

Just check out the sorta-Engrish synopsis: "At a time when students had to fasten their collars and crease their slacks till they're razor sharp, these four friends strutted around in their own custom-fashioned uniforms. They walked the streets with their heads held high, shoulders straight, and chests out, fearing nothing when they were together. Joon-suk, a son of a vigilant gang boss; Dong-su, the only son of an undertaker; Sang-taek, a diligent student; Joong-ho, who never keeps his mouth shut. Those are the gang of friends who share their fantasies about naked women and their awe at Bruce Lee's Kungfu. Each of their lives takes different turns as they grow up and their paths cross in conflict with each other's. Joon-suk becomes the leading henchman of his father's crime ring and Dong-su is serving for Joon-suk's rival gangs. Sang-taek and Joong-ho find themselves helplessly watching their two best friends wield knives at each other..."

Friends and future rival gangsters:

This reminds me of Snow Queen:

18 vs 29, personal, lovers in paris, fashion 70s, lawyers of the great republic of korea, brilliant legacy, doramas2, friend, baby mousie, city hall, screencaps

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