I stole this from
uisceros because it was too good not to pass up.
Korean Boys Over Flowers apparently not doing too hot in Taiwan.
The comments to the article are especially comedy gold.
I don't know why it makes me so gleeful - I don't know why I loathe BOF on such a deeply visceral, personal level - I've certainly seen plenty of dramas which were "meh" and I never loathed them. Perhaps it's because they took a story I loved and after a promising beginning* turned it not just into something poorly written and acted, but an exact antithesis of everything BOF was supposed to be - tough as nails heroine, hero who would never give up, a sense of humor even. UGH. Instead we got spineless dishrags.
So I am glad it's not doing well in Taiwan - I would take the Taiwanese adaptation, which was done on a tenth of Korean budget, at most, over this mess any day. Meteor Garden was actually well-written. *gasp shock*. I think they took the already incredibly awesome toughness of Makino, turned it up a notch or eleven and got Shan Cai.
I think what irritates me the most is that BOF was so successful - I don't begrduge either Meteor Garden or Hanadan its success because both were wonderful. But BOF got better ratings than Mawang, Capital Scandal, and Return of Iljimae put together so don't even get me started on that.
* I should have known BOF was going to be a total disaster after they managed to mess up arguably the second-most famous scene in all of it - Domyouji allowing the goons to beat him up without resisting because otherwise they'd hurt Makino. I was willing to let go that due to script-mucking they were already a couple at the time (a guy protecting his girlfriend is wonderful but I loved that in Hanadan they weren't a couple at all - in fact she told him previously she never wanted to see him again) or that this version's Domyouji didn't have either huge violence issues or major impulse-control problems (which made it both fitting and impressive, as a scene, for him to be beaten himself, and for him not to fight back). Fine! But they messed up the biggest part of it because the goons never offered a bragain of this sort. They were all just "huh, you are here, let's beat on you." OK, way to miss the point of the scene - which is how much he can change for her and how much he is willing to endure for her. Not that this version's Domyouji was willing to endure anything for her in the first place, to be fair...
OK, this turned into a rant, sorry!