Fashion 70s - I can't stop sniffling, dammit!

Jun 02, 2009 00:19

I have just finished the fourth ep and it's official: Fashion 70s is brilliant. It's also brutal. I have been crying like a fool every ep. It's not the usual kdrama angst - that doesn't get me much to be honest (I get amused instead) - it's the all too real take on chaos and destruction of war and the suffering it causes, especially to children. Watching the two main female characters having to cope with being left bereft, without parents, trying to eke a living and comfort each other in a war-torn city while not being older than 8 or so is horrifying.

I think it gets me especially hard because I have a young daughter of my own.

But as my husband pointed out. How cheerful can a drama set during the Korean War be? And I know the bulk of the story is set in 1970s, not a joyful decade either.

Yet, it is so good.

Here is another MV:

image Click to view

ETA: It's funny how much, for me, so far this story belongs to the two main female characters - I don't dislike the two boys who will make the two main characters, I like them just fine. But I am not emotionally invested in them nearly as much. I always identify/love kdrama heroines (one of the main reasons I love kdramas) but rarely is the imbalance like this. I am all yeah, yeah, your mother is died a long time ago, poor General's Son or yeah, yeah, your mother doesn't care for anything but her shop but let's try starving on the streets first or thinking your parents are dead and then being almost shot to death and then I'll feel as bad for you as I do for the heroines."

fashion 70s, youtube, doramas2

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