1. Am still obsessing over Star Trek. If it wasn't for the baby, I'd so see it repeatedly in the theater. It's such a well-made scifi movie - I am so in love. I am not a hard-core Trekkie by any means, but I used to like the classic Trek a lot when I was younger (never got into any of the other Trek offspring) and this is like everything I liked about old Trek only even cooler.
Have signed up for
spock_uhura and have been reading way too much fanfic :) Too much fun. Competent pushy girl and super-reserved woobie is about my favorite OTP combo ever and I was shocked pleased to find it catered to in, of all things, Star Trek. Mmmmm. MMMMMM. Please link me to your write-ups and/or fic recs about the movie (am not picky about pairings or ratings btw, if it's good, but Spock/Uhura fics preferred).
Speaking of, we were in New York City the last couple of days on a little trip (just me and Mr. Mousie, with my parents super-kindly minding the baby) and while we were walking around Union Square last night, we overheard two guys behind us discussing the movie with great detail and passion :) It was rather cute. The following conversation then ensued between me and Mr. Mousie:
Mr. Mousie: Star Trek movie seems to have basically crystallized one of the biggest appeals of the show.
Me: And that is?
Mr. Mousie: If you are an engineer you can have hot alien sex in space.
Me: LOLOLOLOL. You mean Spock?
Mr. Mousie: Yup. He is an engineer in space having sex...He just happens to be an alien himself.
Me: Well, it does seem to suggest that hot girls pick nerds with odd haircuts over hot jocks...
Mr. Mousie: Precisely.
We have such deep meaningful conversations :) Oh, and I am getting better at the Vulcan salute - heeeee.
I think in everyone's ravings over Kirk and Spock (much deserved btw) Karl Urban's McCoy is not getting enough love. I am totally into him - I loved him from the first moment when he got on the shuttle grumbling. Eeeee. Heeee. I am so in love with ST overall I am half-upset the movie wasn't a super-expensive pilot for a series reboot. Because if these characters and writers were doing a show version I would become horrifyingly obssessed.
Oh, my favorite scene of the movie btw is Kirk's eye-popping reaction to seeing Uhura with Spock. I loled and loled and loled at his total shock.
Also, for some weird reason, nu!Spock is reminding me a bit of fanon!Snape with better hygiene - no idea why...
2. Also am still obssessing about The Brothers Bloom. Such a wonderful, off-kilter movie, purposefully anachronistic. Also, sibling love=FTW. Also, it's a delicious souffle.
Opening of the movie:
Click to view
Click to view
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Another clip:
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Not sure what my favorite scenes are - too many to list.
Whether it's (1) the fairy-tale like prologue (in verse!!!!!!!), (2) Bang-Bang's entire character but most of all her blowing up Barbie dolls as explosives practice, (3) Penelope's hobbies, (4) Bloom and Penelope's first kiss, (5) Stephen's matter-of-fact breaking off a bottle and stabbing Diamind Dog in the arm without even pausing or asking anything when he sees DD talking to his baby brother - much as I adore Brody, I loved Ruffalo's Stephen just as much - he is an American, law-breaking version of Jeeves in some ways. I want a sibling like that - though maybe less con-artisty, heh. (Seeing Stephen put out DD's eye years ago because of the way DD treated Bloom when they were kids, I really wonder what the hell went on,other that then beatings, I mean. Maybe I have been watching too many kdramas but the scene where DD put his hand on Bloom's leg was just so very very wrong), (6) Stephen preempting Bloom's "I am quitting" speech in the beginning of the movie, LOL; (7) Penelope "enjoying" the thunder and the train. LOLOLOL; (8) Stephen sitting by himself in the abandoned theater with the Queen up his sleeve and Bloom's realization at the end and Penelope stretching out her arm.
3. In news of movies I am excited about, Ralph Fiennes is planning to make and star in Coriolanus. I am so excited! And daddy!Kirk has been cast as Thor in an upcoming movie directed by Kenneth Branagh. YES.