I just finished ep 4 of To Get Her. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.
The watery rescue FTW! I am always into tiny girls physically rescuing big guys. Also, woman power!!!!!!! Something sadly lacking in BOF where the heroine is supposed to be hardcore.
He got her a Prince Casaba action figure. I sort of died. Because that is a present of something she would want: not a normal present or anything but something for her. And spent a lot of money on it but it's a fake. Awwww. So she makes him sign it and wants it anyway. Seriously. Mars is totally a big kid.
I continue to love love love Jia Sen.
The scene in the grocey store with Momo, Mars, and Jia Sen? LOLOLOL. I repeat: LOL.
Awwww - she is totally lying she is going to stay at Jia Sen's house, isn't she? Because she doesn't want to be a burden. And he is all jealous but then he gives her a bottle of water because she recently has a cold and needs to push fluids. *dead*
The previews make me want to tear my hair out it's not next Sunday yet! I mean, I have to wait a week for this: