Sexy, sexy hypothermia...

Feb 15, 2009 19:33

Right under the wire (ep 13 is airing tomorrow) is my favorite scene in ep 12 of Boys Over Flowers/Hanadan. Nothing to push all my buttons as half0naked cuddling to stave off hypothermia, with the guy all shirtless because he gave the girl his shirt and jacket. Mmmmm...Are you sure she doesn't need your pants too, Lee Min Ho?

First off we have Jun Pyo throwing himself into traffic for love, as a bonus. One way to hitch-hike a ride to the rescue!

And then we get to my favorite part!

Hmmm, I didn't know hypothermia made one radiant the morning after :)

Bonus: those are pretty cute lunch boxes!

"Here, have a bite of your own face!"

Ahahahahaha, it's Korea! We had 10 happy minutes thus must have angst! Go Hye Sun is really good at making me feel for her and I want a platonic best guy friend like Ji Hoo!

(All of a sudden, I want a Korean remake of Mars)

boys over flowers, doramas, kissing, screencaps

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