Veronica Mars: the Pilot

Dec 18, 2008 01:21

I have just rewatched the pilot episode of Veronica Mars and I am struck all over again by how this is the best pilot of any show I have seen: it introduces all the characters and sets up every single theme but also throws us in the middle of this intriguing world.

It makes me fall in love with the damaged, prickly but underneath it all hopeful Veronica. It makes me fall in love with her warm, slightly dorky Dad. It makes me amused and fascinated by Weevil the biker and Logan the rich boy. And it reels me in with its mysteries: who killed Lilly Kane? Why did Lianne Mars leave her family? Why did Duncan Kane ditch Veronica? What is with Logan? And, most visceral of all, who roofied and raped Veronica a year or so ago?

Also, because it's a rewatch, so many things are so enhanced, from little things such as seeing future recurring characters such as Felix, to bigger things like watching the start of the Wallace/Veronica friendship, or realizing why Logan is so 'impervious' to Weevil beating him to a pulp, to Duncan's zoned-out state.

But anyway, I metaed this episode to death before so I bring you a few caps instead. This show was so gorgeously shot!

Veronica in class. She is such a cynic but underneath it all she is still young and fragile. She has to have a sheild to survive.

Duncan Kane. It takes some episodes but we realize that Veronica's descriptions are not inaccurate, but they are not the full picture.

Duncan and Veronica in happier times:

Hints of slash? Best friends who will end falling for the same girl? Quasi-cest and abusive parents? This could so be a kdrama! (I have yet to figure out how Logan thinks it's supposed to insult Veronica if he fakes paws Duncan. Huh?)

Orange is not a flattering color, Logan.

Wallace, bless his heart!

I love Cliff, the sleazy lawyer:

Darling Keith! Though still wrong and a bit too obsessive, That's who Veronica gets it from.

Lilly. I ended up rather loathing her but there is no doubt, she was magnetic!

I just love this series of shots!

This brief flashback to Logan turning on Veronica because she supports her father who believes Kanes killed their daughter. It's interesting in retrospect in so many ways, from first hinting that Logan wasn't always this acting-out jerk, but is someone who is after Veronica for specific reasons. And of course the reason he latches onto the Kanes so much is because his own family is such a funhouse of horrors. Oh, and how Logan to make everything about personal loyalty. I don't think he realizes that for Veronica it's a matter of loyalty too, just different loyalty (once he figures out, they are never enemies again, are they?)

"Want to know how I lost my virginity? So do I." The voice-over might be hardened but the scene is horrifying to watch. The wordless realization by Veronica...That might be the last time we see her wear all white. Ever.

I love this shot:

For ages after VM, whenever I'd see a yellow exTerra, I'd get a little giddy...

I love this shot of Veronica.


When she reports her rape, the Sheriff laughs at her. Ugh. I never was able to forgive Lamb for that...loathed him till the bitter end.


Violence is not a solution, tsk tsk Logan. Though knowing what I do know from the rest of the season, I don't even want to know the kind of punishment (for the frame-up of him VM did) he got from Aaron. (side note: in some ways, VM is so Hanadan!)

Love Weevil!

And here is a shippery L/V vid, I can't help self. It's not spoilery.

image Click to view

Yes, the song is Nickelback, but the vid itself is great.

youtube, teevee, screencaps, veronica mars

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