Ice World is Ice Cool

Nov 30, 2008 23:42

While away, I checked out the Japanese drama Ice World (Kouri no Sekai/Koori no Sekai) starring Matsushima Nanako (love her to bits) and Takenouchi Yutaka (haven't seen him in anything but he is HOT).

Eiki (TY) is an insurance investigator who is gotten burned out on people who will commit heinous acts against their nearest and dearest for a bit of insurance money. Toko (MN) is a gorgeous, poised (some would say unnaturally so) teacher at an all-girls school.

Their paths cross because of an investigation into a death of another teacher at the school and Eiki realizes that Toko's three previous fiances all died rather violently, after making her a beneficiary of their insurance policies, but also after cancelling those insurance policies days before their deaths, thus leaving her nothing. So he starts investigating...

Is Toko a Black Widow, running a complicated scam? Or a woman who is just very unlucky in love? And is Eiki out of his mind, when despite it all he starts falling for her and thus slated to become number 4 in that rather ominous list?

I am three eps in and I really like it. It's moody and atmospheric, I honestly have no idea what Toko's deal is: for all I know she really does run a scam of some sort (but she is so gorgeous and mysterious I can see why Eiki is drawn in anyway). The leads have good chemistry and it's pretty fun, so far.

Also, what was that drama some people on my flist liked earlier in the year? Something about a high school girl with an overprotective older brother? Who is a manga artist? I think?

doramas, ice world

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