Buffy Rewatch: Phases and Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered

Aug 08, 2008 17:52

And we get two lovely, light eps after the horrors of Surprise/Innocence. Yay.

Phases is an ep my Willow/Oz-shippy heart adores. So sweet and fun. And BBandB is very funny, even if it is Xander and Cordy-centric, and while I always found them funny, I was never emotionally invested in either of them.

Of course, dark does lurk around the edges, whether in Buffy's stoic repression (the girl is Queen Repress) or the glimpses of Angelus lurking around, planning how to do maximum emotional damage to her.


Willow/Oz adorableness sort of makes me non-verbal. And I love how freaked, behind his deceptively quiet demeanor, Oz is when he thinks he might have killed someone. And heeee, someone mistaking Giles for a cradle-robber getting it on with Buffy or the Larry and Xander scene. LOL.

Anyway, cuteness:

Sometimes Xander irritates me, but sometimes I love him. Like now:

One of my fave scenes ever:


It's a funny but not very meta ep. Still, this is cute:

buffy, screencaps

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