haha I don't hate Connor either, though I admit I hated how he was manipulated by evil!Cordy.. that was ugly. But I could never hate on any of them characters for real. I even liked Riley.
That whole plot line was weird and maybe time has made things look brighter but I remember I was rather disappointed. :/ Right now I just think it was part of the whole thing, so after all, it was fine.
ahaha I've always been a Buffy/Spike fangirl [except for the first few seasons of Buffy, cause then I kinda liked the idea of B/A... and always thought I will remember You was heartbreaking and evil. :(] Angel/Cordy seemed more appropriate at the end.. I think they built up that pairing quite wisely, it's another question that they fucked it up lmao.
asdfghjk DVDs with extra material would be lovely, indeed. Or more episodes. XD
Alright, I'll make sure to read the whole thing or at least Faith's line. I can't imagine it to suck, though, lol. Well, it was nice talking to you. I gotta go now and pack cause I'm leaving for vacation, yay. Take care. ^__^
I take the "Connor himself is OK, but his storyline as a grown up is a giant pile of donkey turd" stance.
Decent character, lousy execution in S4. *has much hate for large chunks of S4, made bearable only for Gina Torres, Gwen, and messed up "so ending badly" Wes/Lilah*
I haven't seen all of Connor's storyline (and probably don't want to, C/C stuff made me want to poke my eyes out) but the thing that bugged me was 'whiny'. I can't stand that in a character. Maybe he and Dawn could have formed a cross-over couple of annoyingness?
I can understand why Connor and Dawn are like that, really. Dawn annoys me less because I really do think she's what Buffy would be like under the same circumstances (normal-despite how she exists in the first place-girl with a Sooper Speshul sister) and Connor's upbringing at leasts makes me understand why he has the attitude, but he needed to get over it at some point, and never did until his appearance in S5.
The C/C stuff I try to pretend never happened. And you know, the actual canon does give a way to justify that none of the horrible part of her SL was really Cordy, as she was technically being ruled by the demon mid S3 on.
But even if it didn't happen, I still had to watch it :P My eyeballs!
I might understand why a character is whiny but it doesn't make me like them more. Whiny and incompetent are the only two character traits which will make me go off a character entirely and never want to give them any benefit of the doubt or liking or anything, ever. (In RL, actually, as well).
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ahaha I've always been a Buffy/Spike fangirl [except for the first few seasons of Buffy, cause then I kinda liked the idea of B/A... and always thought I will remember You was heartbreaking and evil. :(] Angel/Cordy seemed more appropriate at the end.. I think they built up that pairing quite wisely, it's another question that they fucked it up lmao.
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AtS S5 Spike was so random. XDD eeek and now I'm reminded of Andrew. <3333 Tom Lenk was brilliant. XD
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idk I liked Andrew for being a complete idiot but I can see how some can see that annoying, lmao. XD And I never read S8.. maybe it'd be high time to.
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Alright, I'll make sure to read the whole thing or at least Faith's line. I can't imagine it to suck, though, lol. Well, it was nice talking to you. I gotta go now and pack cause I'm leaving for vacation, yay. Take care. ^__^
I saw a whole bunch of Connor eps and wanted to stab him, sorry :)
Decent character, lousy execution in S4. *has much hate for large chunks of S4, made bearable only for Gina Torres, Gwen, and messed up "so ending badly" Wes/Lilah*
The C/C stuff I try to pretend never happened. And you know, the actual canon does give a way to justify that none of the horrible part of her SL was really Cordy, as she was technically being ruled by the demon mid S3 on.
I might understand why a character is whiny but it doesn't make me like them more. Whiny and incompetent are the only two character traits which will make me go off a character entirely and never want to give them any benefit of the doubt or liking or anything, ever. (In RL, actually, as well).
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