Thank You, stop making me cry...

Jul 02, 2008 00:33

I am on ep 13 of Thank You and I am bawling.

I mean...when he is going door to door, begging villagers to donate blood to her?


Seriously. I am feeling ill from the crying.

It's a good thing I know this has a happy ending because with this writer's previous track record (A love to kill, MISA, Sang-Do), I'd be otherwise sure she'd die and he'd die emotionally after losing the woman he loves twice.


Stop doing this to me drama. I know it ends happily but still...*bawl*

Poor Bom! One of her former 'friends' threw a rock at her.

I am meeeelting...

Oh God. He is so her Daddy, emotionally...*melts all over again*

He fixes Unscumbag's Mom, who after a brief relapse into niceness is back to her hellish self. I commend him for self-restaint because as he is working she is maligning YS and Bom and it clearly takes a lot of self-control for Dr. Min not to stab her.

Walking outside he meets YS and she insists on going to see the old hellish lady.

He hears the old lady abuse them (basically saying charming things like Bom should have never been born):

And YS, as always, saying nothing.

I was cheering! He comes in and tells the old witch off!

YS is really mad at him and walks off even though it's raining and he is all 'let me drop you off at home' and she tells him off for being rude to an elder (at this point, I am rolling my eyes and yelling at the screen. There is being nice, and there is being like this). Dr. Min asks her if she likes to be be trampled on like the way she was etc etc. He is also fed up and says, fine, he won't help her any more if she doesn't want it.

So pretty.

Bom sneaks out to see kittens in the middle of a storm...

Poor woobie.

YS goes to look for her, but Dr. Min doesn't hear because he has headphones in.

He goes to have dinner and is a bit puzzled as to where YS and Bom got to in the middle of a storm and growing more and more uneasy goes to look for them:

Only to find out she is in the local hospital and has been gravely injured rescuing Bom and another child. OMG.

I love that he always crouches down to Bom's eye level.

He is so terrified for YS. And remembers telling her he won't help her if she doesn't want. Don't feel guilty, Dr. Min!

She is really hurt and his whizbang skills buy some time but she is losing a lot of blood.


They announce YS needsblood over loudspeaker and the ***** villagers are not interested. Seriously, I hate them all.

So he goes out, in the pouring rain, to go beg door to door for type-B blood donors. I totally bawled.

She is going to die if there is no blood but do the villagers care? No.

Yay. Unscumbag. Same blood type.

Fixed :)

I love how he backs up against the wall and collapses. She is safe for now but is still bleeding, it was a temporary solution only.

He is so desperate he even calls his Dad for advice, forcing words out (remember, he blames his father for euthanizing his sister!)

Dad gives advice and the bleeding stops and Dr. Min whispers 'thank you.'

His Dad tells him the rest is up to God and so...


He prays the entire night, through morning...

And he hears her calling for him...

And she did, indeed, wake up and call for him, only to be confronted with Unscumbag instead and the guy kissed her and Dr. Min saw!

In preview, Dr. Min tells Unscumbag that YS and Bom are his miracle. AWWWW.

doramas, thank you, screencaps

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