Of gigolos and single mothers...

Jun 14, 2008 09:31

I adore Robbers. I got halfway through ep 4 and had to run, but OMG, so good.

One of the things I love about this is that it doesn't shirk from showing how horrible what Oh Joon does is, and what a bastard he could be. The scene with him and that poor little clerk was awful: I hated him, pure hate (but I admit I was also majorly irritated by her and was all 'girl, have some self-respect and stop clinging. Dysfunctional people, both of them). It's interesting because I think he lost it so much because he was confronted with the damage he is doing. I got the sense most of his marks are worldly women who, once he swindles, chalk it up to a bit of expensive experience. But his desperation for that money that is due or he will be killed made him slip up a bit...

And he didn't swindle the clerk, there is nothing to swindle, but the emotional damage is there, and it's worse than if he took her money.

But then he sits in the metro, totally hating himself and I don't hate him any more. I sure as hell don't want to date him but he is such a fascinating character, and Jang Hyuk is really good, because I go from hating Oh Joon to feeling pity, to amusement.

Oh, and Dal Rae, how wonderful is he? One of the things I like the most is that any of his complements roll off her. He is all 'I will wait for you all day!' She: 'Are you unemployed?' LOL.

DR asks OH to spare her some time this evening:

Clerk got her hands on Oh Joon's book and goes to find DR:

But Oh Joon pulls a fire alarm before she has a chance to ask things. This incredibly ugly scene follows. Good, thought I at that moment he deserves all the horrible pain he is going to get.

Seriously, some self-respect!


He so totally contemplated jumping!

That was rofl-tastic. He is contemplating her taking him to a fancy dinner etc...He is all *stare* and she is all 'Doesn't your neck hurt?'

She is going to channel his dead sister? (he told her a fake sob story) LOL.

And then I had to run. But not before clicking on the end of the ep to see what happened and seeing this. EEEE!

And then I had to run. Why oh why do I not have this on disc?

doramas, robbers, screencaps

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