Lobbyist: now with 200% more awesome

Jun 08, 2008 12:12

*meep* Lobbyist.

Now I know which scene my icon came from!

And it's AWESOME.

Is there anything hotter than a tough guy who is so ultra-protective of the girl he is in love with?


I love that scene so much, because Maria has been taken by TPTB who think her snooping is incovenient and they plan to kill her quietly but Harry finds out and he is there, trying to defend her against a whole bunch of thugs and getting beaten to a pulp (side note: I love that Maria herself is tough: she is fighting pretty hard as well).

And then he is knocked out and Maria is too and they are going to smash her head in and he manages to get himself between her and the stick and as a last conscious act shields her with his body OMGOMOMGOMG.


You know, this drama has a really cynical and bleak look on those in power. Both the chief lobbyist, Harry's 'mentor' and the seemingly bona-fide, noble General (and the other, smaller characters) are totally scum. All they care about is power and money, and to hell with the rest.

I love the scene (contemporaneous with the beat-down) of Other Guy going to General and telling him to let Maria off or he would go public with some damaging info and General laughing in his face and telling him does he think the prosecutor or newspapers will listen to him, does he really believe that.

And Maria and Harry only get saved through last minute scruple of chief lobbyist and also because Other Guy goes down on his knees to General, giving him the info he had, and promising to do whatever General asks (which means getting engaged to General's daughter because General wants into Other Guy's rich family. Oh, poor woobie! The scenes of him pre-engagement? Yikes)

So yeah.

Also, I love the scene of Maria running in with a gun to shoot that mobster and Harry stopping her by holding her and she is hitting him and crying at the same time.

And then they are in the bar later and she tells him that when they took her away (in Korea), she thought he was dead and she thought someone else died because of her, and she is crying and he very very slowly, and very very uncertainly reaches to pat her on the back.


And then he spends the night sitting on the edge of her bed, soothing her nightmares, waking her up when they get too bad, and holding her and telling her it's OK and stroking her hair OMGOMGOMG.

Did I mention that Harry's sis and her boyfriend are as sweet as pie? Seriously, I want to squish them together and give them puppies!

ETA: Am now watching ep 9, and it's official. This has finally replaced Time between Dog and Wolf as the most hurt/comfort drama I have ever seen (well, technically, only 'hurt', as both this and TODAW are mighty short on comfort). I never thought anything could beat TODAW but oh boy...Whoa.

Also, TANGO. I approve.

lobbyist, song il-gook, doramas, hurt/comfort

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