Powerful Opponents ep 12 picspam and meta

May 31, 2008 20:30

filmi-girl and I watched episode 12 of Powerful Opponents together.

So good. I really love the pacing in this drama and the characters and the soundtrack, and everything.

But all I can say is...if Gwan Pil doesn't end up with Young Jin and Ggot Nim, I will kill something. He keeps sacrifing and sacrificing and sacrificing for others, and his statement to Su Ho's sister that all he wants is to stay by people he cares for, and can't he do that, at the end of ep 11, sort of killed me. I am all for Su Ho getting to be Ggot Nim's Daddy too, and meeting some awesome girl and marrying her later, and they can all move in with the awesome Cha family (let Mrs. Oh marry Young Jin's Dad and move in too), but nobody take Ggot Nim away from Gwan Pil!

Su Ho's horrible bitch of a sister tries to bribe Gwan Pil to go away. Tough luck! He refuses. And then, Su Ho, who finally managed to remember everything, shows up. I love that scene. Evil sister's scaredness, Su Ho's newfound maturity (seriously, Evil Sister! You didn't just wreck the lives of GP and Eun Young, you wrecked your brother's life...you made him into this total mess and stole years of his life). I love it when he tells GP 'Here I come, Gwan Pil Hyung.' Because not only is he all grown-up and mature, but the look on GP's face (because everything is known now, and they can take Ggot Nim away!) and the fact that Su Ho calls GP 'hyung.'

This scene made me ahsjdkjfjtjgfjfjfjfjffkfj. Because he comes to the hospital and she is all freaking out because the Shipper Bodyguard got hurt and he notices her hand is cut and he is just so concerned and he ties her hand and OMG when he holds it (that actor has chemistry with anyone OMG!). And OMG, she tears up his resignation letter, and he actually lets her know how freaked out he is about possibility of Ggot Nim being taken away...he almost never opens up because he is so reserved and because he is so afraid to lose the status quo (he didn't realize Su Ho didn't remember but just didn't want her for the longest time so I guess he thought GN could be taken away at any time). And there is so much staring and he finally breaks eye contact. I love this scene so much.

Oh, I love this scene too. Because Su Ho comes to meet Gwan Pil and kneels and begs him to hit him, hit him until all the things that happened are expiated...And I love that for the briefest moment GP is tempted, but of course he's forgiven Su Ho and it's not his fault and just that whole scene....Su Ho is actually such a good guy, too, once he is 'healed.' But my heart belongs to GP still, I am afraid.

I also loved this scene, when First Lady comes to see GP and apologizes but she also wants Ggot Nim, because I don't think she understands that even if it might have started out of duty, it isn't any more...GP cares for GN out of love. She might biologically be Su Ho's but she is nontheless, in the truest sense, GP's daughter. And GP says she is the only family he has (as you can see, he doesn't consider Su Ho's family his own any more, obviously). And it's true, he is a very lonely person. If it wasn't for GN and her unconditional love, before Young Jin started breaking down his walls, he was utterly alone. And OMG, when he tells First Lady that if GN is taken away he can't live? And he has to swallow before saying it?

EEEEE! I am such a sucker for Daddy-Daughter stuff. This scene of Su Ho teaching Ghot Nim (who doesn't know he is her father) how to dance, sort of killed me. Especially when Gwan Pil comes in and sees, unobserved.

The scene with Mrs. Oh was pure gold.

Eeeee! After visiting Shipper Bodyguard in the hospital, they go to eat! And I love the way he watches her and then because she is all 'I love egg in my ramen,' he matter of-factly just plonks his onto her plate. And of course he is all 'I don't like egg in mine' and being Young Jin she takes his little embarassed and transparent explanation at face value. That's the thing. Gwan Pil isn't good at words but anyone can say flowery things and so what...Evil Sister says nice-sounding things all the time, but she is a bitch. Gwan Pil shows his caring in concrete, small ways: the egg in the ramen (he shows caring by sacrificing what he wants? That's basically his modus operandi), by putting napkins right by her so she can wipe her mouth because the food is messy. And she totally makes him relax...he is never relaxed like this, except with Ggot Nim. Though I have to say I almost choked when she said her goal is to be a head bodyguard and she wants to work him hard under her. LOL. My mind really went elsewhere...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Su Ho!!! All hot and grown-up! *fans self* Now that is why I was so excited Lee Jin Wook was going to be in this...I normally saw him all clean-cut :)

powerful opponents, doramas, screencaps

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