May 03, 2008 22:52
Blah. I think I might be coming down with something.
1. Am watching the Doctor Who two-parter. I am not a big Martha fan but it's interesting to see her back temporarily, and my geeky heart is very happy she is engaged to the super-hot Doc from the resistance when Master ruled the earth. Yay.
I continue to love Donna, who is very different from Martha and Rose because for her, she is emotionally invested in the cool travel and do-gooding, not the Doctor himself.
Amusingly, last night I dreamt of Ten/Rose reunion and I remember being shocked (in my sleep) that BBC would allow them to make out that way. LOL. Even my subconscious is practical.
2. Have not yet seen the latest Battlestar Galactica but read all the spoilers and all I have to say is...I love Anders. What else is new? Love.
3. I have now hoarded four eps of Moonlight. I foresee a happy binge.
dr who,