Oh, G I Joe, you be such crack

Apr 19, 2008 05:41

I got curious and went to read plots for GI Joe and it's like a trainwreck. You think, with each sentence, it can't get more ridiculous, and then it does.

Not to mention the names. Serpentor. Slice and Dice. Lady Armada. I am amused to note that there is a character named Billy running around, too. He must feel left out.

Also, LBH's character has a total anime backstory, including bffs turned enemies, honor recoveryn revenge and torture. I was reading this and oh the drama. Lol.

Comment of the day goes to Mr. Mousie.

Me: how come there is a Korean Ninja? (LBH's character)
Him: they couldn't very well make him a member of Hwal Bin Dang.

I love my husband.

Also, Baroness/Destro is soooo cheesy and ott it makes the sappiest kdrama seem hardboiled.

And I will be much amused to see christopher eccleston play Destro. I mean they guy is like Zechs' emo brother, down to the mask. And seeing how emo Zechs is...

Seriously, the story is like a creation of someone on LSD.
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