Bones: catering to fangirl kinks since 1247. Or seems like it, by their deep knowledge of same

Dec 19, 2007 11:44

I know this is incredibly Victorian of me, but I have a not-so-secret weakness for stories in which big burly men rescue non-big, non-burly women from deadly peril, even though grievously injured themselves.

Welcome to 'Two Bodies in the Lab,' ep 1.15 of Bones, otherwise known as 'the one written by dangermousie's id.'

Seriously, it's like they polled me on what I wanted and crammed it all in just for meeeeeee.

Oh, I so should have started with this and not the atrocious pilot.

Many many pictorial reasons for why this is awesome behind the cut. morwen_peredhil, you are going to love this ep even if you don't care about Bones.

Meet Big Burly Male Person (BBMP) otherwise known as Booth, all looming and grinny and in Non- Big, Non-Burly Female Person's (NBNBFP), aka Brennan, personal space:

And meet trope number 378 dangermousie likes. BBMP is all upset that NBNBFP is going out for a date. Not with him. But he won't admit it to himself. And she is equally clueless why she needs to be defensive. At this rate, their mating will occur sometime in 2038.

Trope number 411 dangermousie likes is also utilized. There has been an attempt on Brennan's life, and Booth switches into a paranoid protective mode. While looking be-suited and, of course, burly.

Aha! Booth has got his present for the day a.k.a. a chance to bring in Brennan's potential date who she met on-line, in for questioning. What shall win, glee or unconscious jealousy?:

Our resident BBMP decides that the only thing that will make him more appealing to the audience is feeling guilty that the serial killer he didn't catch last time offed someone else. Either that, or David Boreanaz requested brooding scenes because they come naturally after Angel.

Notice the casual arm of possessiveness:

Booth decides that he needs to protect Brennan 24-7 and invites himself over to stay the night in her apartment. People, we only usually see this sort of stuff in teenybopper fanfic. And I love every second of it.

I also love that Brennan does not seem to protest too much. Indeed. She is, after all, straight:

They discuss their different tastes in music. I am sure it's supposed to be a metaphor for something or other but I am distracted because...looming and grinning.

I think their badges must be revoked for excessive dorkiness:

Booth gets blown up (I kid you not). The landlord is going to be pissed.

We are barely twenty minutes in and we have bloody hot men all over the kitchen. Can it get better?

Yes it can:

Here we get the trope dangermousie adores 732. Brennan is all 'I ogled looked at your x-rays'

Oh, here is pudding:

Brennan states that Booth has old breaks consistent with torture patterns. The only way this could be better if they were having this conversation in a nudist hospital.

And then there are break patterns consistent with trying to shield someone:

And Booth stammers out about trying to save a friend during a war and thus achieves the feat of being vulnerable and manly at the same time:

And is all teary-voiced about the fact that she shouldn't have looked at his x-rays. Oh yes she should, BBMP.

And here (some time later) we get to OMG. Booth figures out what really happened with the murders and realizes Brennan is in deathly peril:

And decides he must go after her himself even though he can barely walk and has broken ribs:

And is all frantic trying to locate her:

And when they find the building, he insists on going in with the SWAT team even though he can't stand straight:

Poor Brennan, in requisite deathly peril:

Booth has shot the bad guy. Yay! Hospital pudding for everyone.

OK, I just think I sort of died. I mean, he totally has to get her down ASAP and he has to do it himself, even though she won't be harmed to be there for a few minutes, and even though the room is full of able-bodied, uninjured people. YES.

And our resident BBMP and NBNBFP simply must pull each other into an 'I must hold you or I die' sort of hug:

But, of course, of course, of course, in a trope number number 519 dangermousie loves, he is totally injured and now, and only now, he actually can allow himself to notice:

Marry me, show.

Awww, and Booth is in the hospital again:

And feels guilty he didn't get to her sooner:

And she leaves to go on her date. Awwww.

Booth is puzzling over how Brennan, who is presumably not brain-damaged, could chose Perfectly Adequate David-from-the-internet over Supreme-Hottie- who-saved-her-life aka him.

But clearly Brennan has not sustained extensive brain damage, as she cancels her date and comes to watch TV with Booth in the hospital instead:

Now, I still don't think I'll watch every ep or anything, but I will definitely engage in a happy selective viewing of various eps :)


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