Why yes, that crow tastes delicious with some miso...

Dec 03, 2007 16:44

Well, this morning, motivated by the fact that I was adoring the Kimi Wa Petto manga like there was no tomorrow (I had to go to two separate stores to get as much of it as I could), I decided to give Kimi Wa Petto, the drama, another try.



I am sure you are all breathless with anticipation.

Having a better grasp on the characters because of the manga, and knowing precisely what the story is and isn't (i.e. if you are looking for a sweeping emo romance, go watch Tattakoi and if you want MatsuJun be all alpha, go watch Hanadan)...

I really really REALLY like it. I still would prefer someone like Nakame Yukie as Sumire (but then I think NY should be in everything) but Koiyuki is pretty good in the role. And MatsuJun is pitch-perfect.

So I take every single negative comment back.

Wait. No, I don't. One remains. MatsuJun's hair and clothes are still a national emergency. It makes him look like Filip Kirkorov.

See, in manga form this looks good:

In RL? Fix your hair!

So yeah, nihongofrancais and winterspel you were right. I am glad I gave it another chance.

For those who have no idea what I am talking about, KwP is a Japanese drama about Sumire and Takeshi. Sumire is a Japanese career-woman who is ostracized and marginalized in a male-oriented society for being too tall, too smart, too well-earning. She's a 'freak.' At her lowest (she's gotten demoted and her shorter/less-powerful bf cheated on her saying he felt more at ease with the silly, less educated other girl), she finds new meaning in life in taking in a pet, whom she names Momo. She can talk about her frustrations, she can cook for him, and she always gets an enthusiastic greeting when she comes home. Only one catch: Momo is human. He is an eccentric (to put it mildly) professional dancer named Takeshi, a guy who is certainly younger, shorter, and less-educated/earning than she is. Sumire finds him unconscious and bleeding in a box outside of her apartment, and when he doesn't want to leave after she patches him up, she tells him he can stay if he is going to be her pet, thinking that this will make him leave for sure. However, he agrees and a very unorthodox relationship is born. It's an interesting (if rather odd) story about compatibility and eccentricity and female empowerment. Oh, and eventually they do fall in love. Are you surprised? Didn't think so.

kimi wa petto, doramas, matsujun, manga

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