Sapuri incoherence

Dec 01, 2007 22:42

Spinny vineyard kiss!!!!!!

Spinny vineyard kiss!!!!!!

I literally started making audible noises. Half-whimpery/half-squealing ones. Not even as much as when Yuya kissed Minami (so tentatively *thud*) but when, once he pulled away, she leaned forward and kissed him. And then there was mutual kissing.


But you know, I have so utterly lost it, I was actually crying a little during right before the kiss. Before (as awesome as the kissing was) what really got me was Yuya's jumbled confession to Minami before. That he likes her, probably from the first time they met and he knows that age-wise and socially they don't match etc.

And OMG! He spent the whole night working! At that vineyard. Because they told him they'd give him a bottle of vine from Minami's year of birth (1977) in exchange. OMG. And he tells her he wanted her to have that.

I died a little.

And I love how she looks at him, and sees the grime and bruises and a cut or two that he got in working at a present for her and OMG the way he looks at her, so heart-breakingly uncertain and so heart-breakingly open.

It's funny, because I've gotten to such an irrational stage of Yuya love that when Watanabe was telling him Minami will never want him, except maybe for sex, because he is way below her league and that she doesn't even see him as a man, I wanted to claw at the screen, even though she genuinely believed it and she likes Yuya herself. Because nobody hurts Yuya and lives! Gosh, it's been a long time since I've watched Tatta Hitotsu No Koi, I've forgotten how expressive Kame is.

Also, I sort of adore Ogiwara now, finally utterly open with Minami. In another drama, I'd totally ship them, because he is awesome, but I am sorry, nothing trumps Yuya love.

winterspel has an amazing reaction post to the above, including a transcript of the vineyard scene. Go read. It's here.

Here is a screencap, taken from winterspel:

sapuri, kame, doramas12

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