Well, thought I'd toss a weekend wrap-up, 'cause mine was eventful, suprisingly! What was prolly going to be BLAH WEEKEND FSCK WORK turned out to be action packed.
Well, if you consider the action in mah belly... ;_;
Friday, zee wife and I hit
19aftermidnight's party. Had a great time, until I realized something... I have stages of drunkeness.
First, there's loose. Then Happy. then Horny. Then Emo.
Typically, I stop here. When Emo hits, I get all "meh me wha wha poo" and stop drinking, b/c I think it's time to sober up.
But friday? Ohhhh noo, I decide, "Let's See What's After This!"
So introducing the Next Stages of Drunkeness:
and finally Puke.
Yeah, I popped. After taking stock, I realized later that in about 4 hours, I drank at least 2 1/2 midori sours (heavy on the midori), an amarretto sour, TWO Irish Car Bombs, and about 3 beers.
Yeah. That was when it was Time to take DM Home.
Where, apparently, I passed out in about .89 seconds after hitting the pillow. My loving wife gathered our stuff from the party, and brought it in...at 3 AM...while I slept... poor thing, but I'm grateful.
But apparently, my snoring was SO BAD (allergies, + really tired, + drunk) that she had to sleep on the couch 'cause I was too loud. ;_;
So Saturday, I'm supposed to meet up with
melodicblueand shop for fabrics for our cosplays, after I mow the yard. 'Cause it really needs it.
Yeah, hangover + sun = BAD, so the lawn is still long and lush. That'll be fixed this afternoon IF it can stop raining for a day.
I get up, feel like total crap, and pop again. This is my body's way of saying "no more drinkie, dumbass".
But I felt a ton better after that. So, a couple of hours later, I'm feeling closer to human. I meet up with Meg, and lo behold, she's not doing so well herself. Poor thing. I felt bad for her, but we were both nice and slow.
Won't bore with the details, but suffice to say, we both got our fabrics, I got a deal on mine (when I was expecting one anyway ~_^) and then we rehearsed.
melodicblue made this tasty chicken casserole stuff, which, i gotta tell you, I inhaled. Hadn't eaten all day except nibbling, and my tummy was "FOOD!". Then it was join up with
lostboydv for Harry Potter, Mind-in-the-Gutter edition. You'd be suprised the double entandras (sp? ah, fsck it) in there...
Such As:
"everyone left the room except Harry and Ron, who was whacking his wand against the table furiously, saying, "Work, you stupid thing!!!"
Comic Gold.
Oh yes, Quidditch Cup. iPwn™!
krom_says and I decide to spend it with just us, except that we were supposed to meet her grandmother. Started off, I felt a ton better. I was nice enough to sleep on the couch this time, since I still hadn't taken my claritin, I didn't want to trust my tummy. Slept suprisingly well. Wifey wandered in around 8something and curled up with me on the couch. That was nice. First thing, once i got moving, was to hang our new chandelier.
DM did Electronics and Didn't Hurt Himself! Yay!
So got that hung, and erin and I went out.
yummy lunch, and after hunting around, I got stuff to make a Quaffle and some socks and dye for my cosplay.
Once, home, started on the Quaffle.
I'll take pictures on the next one (I forgot), but right now I have a quaffle-shaped ball, that's painted black, pending it's rubber coating and red paint.
And here we are, monday morning, at work, and not acutally working.
But there's your day in the life of