i <3 my peripheral vision

Sep 20, 2004 19:21

blah such a busy weekend. woke up at 6:45 both days. i was home for a grand total of...the time that i was asleep. which was not very much.

scholars is pissing the hell out of me. all i want is to be a national merit scholar, is that so much to ask?? 209..209...well whatev. it went up from last time at least. just need 8 more points. pleease.

the rest of saturday was jam packed with lax carwash and the astros game. baha we made allison park in this shady five dollar parking lot run by a black guy with no teeth and highwater pants. thankfully her car was still there when the game was over.

yesterday i had the priviledge of joining the varsity to play texas state. we creamed them and i got a lot of play time! it was exciting. i also had a dried mango for the first time in my life and lacie ate like 8 apricots. and is it pronounced ayyypricot or ahhhpricot?

after the game we went tubing and scary mexicans pushed us over the shoot at the end. it was a little bit weird.

today was alright. the weasel kid that sits by me in precal is driving me mad.

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