WARNING: Unless you are a fellow riichi player, the following post makes no sense whatsoever. I am sorry I am this excited over something stupid. Please forgive me. =_=
While waiting to break fasting, I decided to play a nice
Flash-based Mahjong game suggested by some Saki anime discussion forums.
This one has less bells and whistles compared to 4winds, but it's a bit more noob-friendly as it automatically tells you what your legal moves are (but it doesn't stop you from declaring an improper riichi). Plus, it's very fast (maybe because the AI ain't so bright here), and all the terms are in Japanese (sorry trad. mahjong players, I get lost with your terms sometimes).
So first game I completed had me being pilfered by the 3 opponents. I'm getting a bit more comfortable declaring riichis now though.
Hands getting better as well, though not enough to win. Second game then.
3 draws, 1 win and then this happens.
Fudge yeah! I have no idea what all those fans are, but thanks!
Final score:
Still won the game despite losing a couple of rounds afterwards.
Of course, this probably ticked off the computer, who decide to dole out a nice beating on me in the next game. I wanted to call it quits and head to the Ramadan bazaar when I noticed my hand felt like it could go places. So I stuck with it, suddenly declaring lots of pons from wind discards. But I was lacking a tile pair, so it was difficult to win trying to match a single tile. Then, someone discarded a wind tile...
Oh melded kan, everyone's gotta pay me if the tile I pick from the dead wall is a...
TSUMO AFTER KAN?! OMGOMGOMG, I totally wanna say it now... :O
Yakuman: Shou-Suu-Shii. 8000 ten, 16000 ten from dealer.
To better illustrate how much a yakuman is worth, here's the final score:
Ah, achieved my short-term dream of doing a rinshan kaihou, which also coincidently gave me my first yakuman win as well. I can now totally understand the euphoria Saki gets when she does it.
I am now a man, lololol. :D
EDIT - To commemorate this post, repimping the flowers bloom on a peak Saki pixxy.