Mon, 12:43: RT @ jonboy79: A tweet from a prominent Qatari journalist and columnist who works for Al Jazeera and has 57,000+ followers on a verified acc…
Mon, 12:51: "Although we cannot know for a fact whether Cofnas’s contribution was inspired by ulterior ideological motives, it is undeniable that his article can reasonably be read as pandering to proponents of scientific racism."
Mon, 13:33: Breaking news: the USA is not the only country Mischief night is definitely a thing in the UK, get any Brit drunk enough and we will tell you such insane stories about the shenanigans we pulled as teens you'll wonder how it was legal (it wasn't, we just didn't get caught)
Mon, 18:50: I decided to take the plunge and try it. If I did it right this should take you to my profile there.
Tue, 00:46: RT @ BrianNosek: Everyone moving from twitter to mastodon is very likely to fail because it is a collective action problem, benefits depend…