Aug 08, 2008 00:33
I hadn't much thought of Livejournal for a while now, and I don't know why I suddenly got the urge to sign in today, but I'm glad that I did. I'd been really wrapped up with the move to Oldsmar, etc ... I don't know how much comfort it will offer you, but I remember this very painful time for me last year as she'd passed out of my grasp and if ever you need a place to go, a fire to sit around, a comforting shoulder/ear/boob to lay your woes on, consider me an option. I'm not that far, and I'm happy to share a beer and a smile if you & Marty need to unwind, get out of the house, breathe a little.
I posted this on the anniversary of Mom's passing. I don't know if it will help, but I hoped it might a bit.
"So what has this past year taught me? It's taught me the debilitating properties of real depression; the kind that saddles one to the sheets amidst tears and migraines trying to desperately to lose or hold on to sanity. It's taught me mortality, and not just my own. It's given me something new to fret over seeing the death of one loved one after another in as many Tarantino-ish ways possible. It's taught me the limitations of my patience for blood and bond, tested my loyalties, and raked me through the coals. It's made me tougher.
I love harder. I work longer. I cry more and bleed just as much. I see farther.
Thanks, Mom."
You've already got all of the strength you need. That empty feeling is temporary - and if ever you need to talk ... 3AM, 2PM, anytime ... I'd be happy to take your call.
Much love, my friend.