I'm feeling lucky and I hope you are, too....
so the Commanders of the
official Veronica's Kissing Army website - Synthetice and Ariel are running the very first official VKA contest!
Already your entries have been pouring in, and I am absolutely loving reading your responses to the questions of the contest.
That's right....your answers to my questions! I want to ask YOU the questions and find out all about my loyal and fierce VKA.
Answer the below questions, along with your name, country you are from and a photo of yourself, all e-mailed to vkacontests@gmail.com. Your answered questions and photo will be featured on the site for all to see! And check out the entries already posted - you can click on the "Read More" tab in the bottom right hand corner under each picture to see each person's answers.
And without further ado....here are the Lucky Seven Questions...
1. What are three things that you would like to do before you die?
(This was the very first "Crumpet Question of the Day" while we are on
tour. The five of us were drinking colorful cocktails with umbrellas
in them sitting at an outdoor cafe in Poland on a day off. We watched
the clouds turn colors in the square as the sun set - it was a
beautiful night....)
2. You find $50 on the ground, what do you do with the money?
(Interesting side note: Contessa and I found 50 shiny gorgeous euros
on an empty cobblestone street in Germany while on tour. I, however,
will not tell you how we spent that money! *evil grin*)
3. When I came home from the second tour I was on with Emilie Autumn
- the forum was all a-twitter with who I kissed and the original VKA
was born! I was so pleased and proud of all of you. So....question
number three is a two part question - What made you want to fight for
VKA? Do you remember the exact moment?
4. If you could be any faerie tale or story book character, who would
you be and why?
5. Excluding Miss EA and the Crumpets, who out there is inspiring you
right now? It doesn't have to be limited to music. I just want to
know in general - a person that is inspiring your world. Feel free to
include a link.
6. When we are dominating the world together - what is the first
thing you do to make the world a better place?
7. Now it's YOUR turn.....what is one question that you've been dying
to have me answer? Make it good! The five top questions will be
decided by VKA Commanders Synthetice and Ariel. If you are one of the
five lucky chosen, you will get a Who Wants to Kiss Me tour shirt and
a signed postcard and I will answer your question on the
VKA site!