boys say

Aug 26, 2011 22:07

I was listening before to as insipid a group-interview as possible. A bunch of people wanting jobs from us and I was kinda keeping to myself on the dais because none of them were going to be part of my department. I was coasting through the multi-hour process and enjoying the Rolling Stone hidden in my folder. Must have looked like I was very intently studying their resumes, which is very far from true.

And at some point they were being asked what they wanted to do. As open-ended a question as could be, just to judge who had a spark of ambition and who was befuddled by such lines.

Got the usual jumble of "I want to be employed/I want a state job/I want to add to my skill-set/etc. One or two had an interesting response. Then, in a little twist my coworker running the interview had the panel of us answer that same question. And it took most of us by surprise but I was the next to last one. Two said "make it to retirement" and another said something forgettable but it got to me and all I could think was a song I had stuck in my head from a cd I was listening to on my way back from vacation so I looked up from my magazine, made cold eye contact with each and every applicant in complete, unsettling silence, and as there was almost a ringing of the ears I just jolted upright and yelled


Then I sat back down and looked back into my folder as if I was exhausted. Occasionally in non-modern writing you see someone characterizing a sharp proclamation as "ejaculating" a statement. That's what I did, basically.
The person to my left said they wanted to reduce overtime.

Sadly, I think it's the most honest response I've ever given.
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