Aug 14, 2007 12:16
Hey FOlks,
So as oposed to my last entry which was dark and emo I am today optomistic and in a great mood. I had a good week I got an interview at ingram micro that went well and they said they would be in touch. I also took care of a friend in need which always makes one feel good about themselves, and I got the new madden!
Sadly the only bump in the road is I got suspended from the bus. I will get it back but not until the end of the week at which point it becomes somewhat pointless haha. This is because my tenure with the Buffalo Bills will be coming to an end as of 7pm Friday August 17th. It is almost surreal it seemks like just yesterday I was breaking my front door in pure joy of getting a interview. Now I leave a seasoned vet with great field experience on his way to a masters which will hopefully bring him back to the team in the long run.
either way I am all smiles and things should be great
Marky - Boy