title: many moons have come and gone
pairing: harry styles/louis tomlinson
disclaimer: hilariously untrue.
word count: ~8,500
summary: they can never seem to communicate when it matters. but it's all love, anyway. SEQUEL TO
blackjacks running down my back.
notes: um, so from what i've gathered, 'blackjacks' was kind of a hit with y'all, so i
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Louis feels like he might actually have a knife through his stomach. "I don't. Harry. You know I don't."
thank you for this. jesus. tears. hate you.
Louis curls around himself on Harry's empty bed. i know.
this is exactly what i said you should not do, you actual shit for brains cunt, Zayn sends back almost immediately.
heartbreaking but also hilarious, what do i feeeeeeeeeeel
"Greg," Louis says, forcibly polite through his teeth. "Please don't take this the wrong way but kindly fuck off."
*hugs greg* i just want everyone to love each other again is that so much to ask for
It's from Lost In A Mudpuddle, apparently,
Jack's Mannequin is playing
favourite band ever alert, woot woot (did you hear about them breaking up though? or actually, well, andrew just sort of stopped wanting to make music, which sucks, but what can you do)
"Yeah, Harry," Louis mumbles into the dark room, "I fucking get it." He throws the pillow as hard as he can at the radio. It switches off.
such a louis move like, are you sure you're older than five darling
Lifting his head up, Harry smiles into Louis's eyes. "We're dumb," he says.
Louis nods. "The dumbest."
finally, the louis/harry love story summed up in 3 sentences. success.
"Lou," whispers the waterbuffalo.
*is dead*
"Forever, yeah?" Harry says into a mouthful of Louis' hair.
but actually the most romantic sentence ever. because it's so painfully human, but also so sweet and just like - of course harry wouldn't move despite hair in his mouth because louis is comfortable where he is an just - i am reading into this alot.
He grins so bright that Louis blushes, glancing down at his laptop.
they're so precious it actually hurts my heart. as do you. you heathen. good lord.
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