Nov 25, 2010 16:18
Oh, hi there LJ. It's been a while. A long while.
I've finished University for the time being. The 'time being' will likely translate as 'the rest of my life', but maybe somewhere down the track I'll do a masters in Xena or something as equally useless as my Bachelor's. Until then, well, I have no excuses left to waste time.
So, now what? In a couple of weeks I'm moving, properly, to the Ridge to live with my mum and six animals that I equal parts love, and who drive me crazy. Plans while living in the Ridge include:
* Build my own room. Having never constructed a thing in my life other than a Jenga tower here and there, I'm thinking of chronicling the building (mis)adventures in some type of blog. I haven't designed it properly yet, but I do know I want large windows, and one wall made out of wine bottles.
* Join the pistol club in town. Look, I'm against guns. Completely. But what I'm against more are King Brown snakes killing any of the six animals I equal parts love, and who drive me crazy. Oh, and me and mum dying too. That would suck. She hasn't gotten a snake on her property yet, especially seeing as she doesn't have much scrub for them to want to be in, but in the past few months the neighbours have lost two dogs, and another woman near town lost hers last week. I look forward to being licensed to blow a snake's goddamned head off.
* Get my health in check. Being away from the city, video games, and fast food should work wonders for my pancreas.
* Write a book. I've got the concept worked out, and being I have a degree now in writing crap from my head, I should put it to use.
* Write a play. This dumb story has been in my head since I was 17. Maybe if I finally write it out, it'll leave me alone.
* Put together a portfolio of scripts/short stories/blither blather. Because once a year is up here, I'll need something to get me a job doing what I want to do. Maybe it's because I'm stubborn as all hell, but I'm pretty resolute in how I'm going to spend my working life, and the attitude has become somewhat of a 'take no prisoners/office workers' approach. I don't really know how this happened.
* Look for work in technical writing, for the time being.
* Get back involved in fandom, instead of guiltily observing from afar and using it to distract myself from real life. Because I miss it, and I miss everyone in it.
* Play more guitar, and sing more often. Because I fucking love it.
Right, so you know, kind of a big list. I half feel like I'm going on sabbatical in moving up here. I've always lived in Sydney, (that first year spent in Brisbane doesn't count if only because I don't remember it), and not doing so will be strange. But maybe absence will thaw my heart towards it, cos God knows there's walls of resentment there right now.
That old adage, 'Sink or swim', just went through my mind for some reason. It's entirely applicable here, really, in the long run. For the moment, however, I'm just going to float. If a shark comes nibbling on my toes, I'll shoot the fucker between the eyes (or woo it with words and song because like, who knows, maybe sharks dig that shit).
I don't know, I just don't know.