stress stress stress!!

Sep 24, 2008 00:17

first things first...I NEED A DAMN JOB!!!
i know i should be out looking, but its really hard to find something i like doing, every1 keeps saying to just find something for now..but im not 16 anymore, i want a career, i real 9-5, but no one is hirring in them businesses because our ecomony is crumbling to pieces, and little girls like me who are boing and have no college expierience cannot find a damn job ANYWHERE! what is this world coming to?!

iam working tomorrow and saturday, maybe friday if i can get someone to like..take off! [cough britani cough]...i REALLY need the money, like my salli mae bill was due the 22nd and iam screwed, my mom wont give me any more money and i dont know what to do!? how the fuck am i going to come up with $164 in the next 10 days?! im really stressed out. i just dont have any control over anything anymore..especially mu finances. That and iam throwing jason a surprise party for his bday but i dont even know what to get him for his bday, i dont want to just give him a party! but then again, i have no money to buy anything!!! i think i just need to take out a loan, like one where you can pay it back in 5 years or something, then maybe ill have my life together and able to pay it back! i also need a car, like wtf. i feel like everything is in shambless. at least im still happy and at least i got jason back in my life. hes a great guy and totally understands everything im going through because hes going through it too. Im just happy to have a little bit of stablitly in my life! haha.

I just cant wait for the day we get our own house and can just live stress free together...haha <3
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