May 08, 2008 06:13
I've had a persistent cough since October. My doctor upped my medicines, since it was affecting my asthma. But the only way to get the cough to go away was Claritin in the morning, and Singulair and Zyrtec at night. I hate Zyrtec. It makes me sleep(y) constantly, makes waking up hard, and I think saps my will to live out of me. also makes the cough go away. I gave up yesterday and didn't take it last night. Certainly, it was nice to not have to hit the snooze about 3 times this morning. My head hurts and my nose is clogged, though. I really need better solutions, but the only choice I have left is a disk inhaler. Considering I have 6 months of meds right now, I am not about to change right now. But, but, but.... If this is such a treatable disease, why am I having problems treating it right now?