This morning I awoke before my alarm, a very rare happening. This meant I got a stout 6 hours of sleep, which is more than usual. I was hoping that this was a good omen for the day, but so far I have not seen it.
Many people have been talking recently in nostaligic intropective sperts and of course I got caught up in it. It lead me to thinking that I wish I could go back 5 years. You know, make better decisions and play the correct lotto numbers. But the downside of that is I can distictively recall that five years ago I then wished I could go back another 5 years. This was a dissapointing revlation in the least, leading me to question if I've ever been truly happy. Not to devalue the happy events and other postive expireinces in the last 10 years, but it seems like stupid decisions and malignant faults stick out in my memory. Ho-hum.
On a lighter note (no pun intended) I think the lack of appetite stemming from my insomia has help me shed a few pounds. Yay. But of course with everything good in my life, something negative squirms. On a whim I decided to shave my beard which resulted in a clean shaven face while at the same time I look younger and fatter in the face. Not so yay. Now I'm getting carded again.
Holy shit, Britney Spears has gone super skank. I just happened to be flipping through and I saw a glimpse of the new "Toxic" video on MTV (yeah, a music video on MTV, I was surprised too.)