A couple of years ago, lj and I were a cute couple. We always kept in touch.
Now we seldom talk. What happened?
I can think of three things. One is that I lost motivation to write my daily goings-on. Many people keep lj's just so they can have a dry record of their lives, but now I no longer care which dining hall I ate at the day before last Thursday. So then I thought I would just make this thing for my writing, that is, my good writing, which is what I call the writing I put lots and lots of thought and work and effort into. The only thing was, surprise!, college demands a lot of writing like that, and so over the year I found that all my writing energy was being zapped into assignments and whatnot. Some of you might say to me, 'Dan, stop making excuses. You are just lazy.' But I happen to like this particular excuse, because it is at least half-way true. Here are some program notes for a Mozart piece that I wrote last week for music theory. It is rushed and full of micro-mistakes--I started it two hours before it was due--but I am quite fond of it.
Wolfgang Mozart had an alarmingly rushed life. He began composing at age six, finishing five symphonies by his eighteenth birthday. By that time, he had already seen Paris, Munich, London, and Rome, although with one courtly performance after another, he hardly had time for sight-seeing. He even died early, at the green age of thirty five. Even so, K