Oct 01, 2005 16:45
Well, today I sent my mom and dad off to Florida to get Hyperbaric Oxygenation treatment for my mom. She's staying in a nursing home in between treatments, and she'll be getting two treatments a day for an hour each. This month they have a special for $150 a treatment (as opposed to $200). So we'll actually be able to afford more with all the money that's been donated. The body of Christ is a powerful thing, with so much love and compassion that I still have a hard time comprehending. My mom's huge network of friends just touches my heart daily as they continue to help us out.
My parents will be gone for two months max, and I guess that's what hard for me right now. It was already hard to see my mom crying in the last couple weeks. Whether it's because she's in pain or just emotional because she's trying so hard to get through to us, I don't know. I think it's a combination, leaning slightly more towards the emtional side. Every day I saw her it looked more and more like she was trying to speak, but she was still a far cry from it.
Now, I can't even be there for my mom, or my dad for that matter - although he can call me, whereas my mom cannot. I long for a day where perhaps I can talk to her too. I feel pretty lonely right now, actually because my daily routine was work/school/hospital. I've been going to the hospital every day to see my mom, and now I can't even see her. I can't see my dad either. I miss them so much already, and the first day of them being gone hasn't even past.
Keep praying that my mom will improve quickly in Florida, because she's still a long ways away from being fully healed. The reality is that she may never be healed, and she may be restricted to a bed for an indefinite amount of time. Or she may come back some of the way, being able to eat and speak, but perhaps not do much of anything else. But considering how much she's improved, I think she could come back fully. I'm not expecting HBOT to heal her completely (although it could happen since it's happened before), but I think she has a greater chance than most of the patients they get. I think it could posssibly be the jump-start she needs to be able to recover if the treatments alone don't heal her all the way. It's a way to possibly speed up the process, and we're praying that it will switch her brain back on to function the way it used to.
The brain has an amazing ability to re-route itself, and yet maintain the same person inside. It's one of the greatest mysteries in the medical community, as they are still confused as to how the brain can do that. What they do know now is that many times during brain damage, cells may not be dead but merely stunned. Severely stunned, mind you, but nevertheless they have a potential to come back if treated properly and/or given enough time to heal. Hyperbarics is simply known to speed up the process that may not even happen without the treatment.
Anyhow, that's enough outta me. Keep the faith, and keep praying.