WTF - CJOnline / The Topeka Capital-Journal - Planning under way for Obama holiday

Nov 10, 2008 09:28

CJOnline / The Topeka Capital-Journal - Planning under way for Obama holiday

These things write themselves. Why the hell would anyone think of promoting such a thing like this before someone has even done anything?

Didn't I say I was going to stop talking about politics recently? Well good luck in that happening, I think I'm going to work on pointing out the idiots on the Obama side that don't understand how the world works. I'm all for change and things improving but it's not something that happens overnight, and government should only be involved so much.

Here is a quote of a comment I made on a OC MetBlogs website.
Dont get me wrong I voted for Obama, I just dont think the roads will be repaved with gold and our faucets flow with chocolate milk. Someone is going to pay for all these wonderful things that people think they are going to be getting now that the Dems are in charge, and once people realize they actually have to work for a living and that the government is taking nearly 50% of what they make to help everyone but them, their eyes will open up to how the world really works Im just saying

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funny, stupid things, politics

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