Jul 12, 2006 10:09
We lost our game even though the guys we played couldn't pitch a strike.
I went 0 for 0 with 4 walks (one intentional) and 4 runs. I was pissed. I didn't get a strike in any of my at-bats. In my third AB I just rested the bat on my shoulder. My forth AB the pitcher (a new one) told the ump that he wanted to walk me ("because he's not going to swing anyway"). I felt like telling the idiot that if someone would just pitch me a strike I would show you I hit. But I just looked at the ump (I didn't know they can intentionally walk you like that). I guess I should be happy I scored all 4 times. Also I was moved up in the batting order to 6th, we'll see if that stays or not.