My Day

Aug 01, 2011 18:54

Woke up at 5.00 AM this morning to have my morning meal before the start of my first day of fasting. As usual it tough eating early in the morning.

Reached the office around 7.10 AM and started clearing my emails. Attended the morning mgt mtg and the production mtg.

I left the office at 11.45 AM. Am on half day leave. Met a friend at the airport to pass him some stuffs. He is on transit for work in HCM. Drove him to Orchard to kill his time before the connecting flight.

Went home for a short rest before driving Mom to KTPH for her medical appointment. From room 33 we went to room 30. Doctor needed her to have another x-ray of the neck.

I managed to combined her medical review for the knees with this new review for her shoulder. I also managed to combined them on the same day as her medical review for her chest. Now we will be back on Oct 10 for her three medical reviews. But I have to bring het back on this Wed for physio.

Reached home at 5.45. Just finished setting the table and getting the food ready for breakfast.

The day is still not over. After this prayers at the mosque till 10.00 PM.

This is day 1.

via iphone

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