It's not a good week for guts

Jun 15, 2010 10:01

I have the snotty sneezy coughy flu. Sunday morning Richard hurls. Yesterday they're ok and I'm feeling a bit better. This morning Dewey chucks up some grass and liquid puppy food, and I freak the fuck out. He continues to make loud belly noises and sore sorry for himself grunts for the next 2 hours while I don't sleep a wink. I consider all the ways he could have contracted parvo at work, and how horrible his death will be because of my negligence. Then Richard isn't feeling too well either. And when I go to wash all the puppy laundry (pee and vomit) I begin to feel a little nauseated myself.

Despite the fact that puppy is being his normal insanely hyperactive self, has normal poop, and a normal temperature.... I'm petrified! And yes I have also checked on my boyfriend, but I am a little less worried about his mortality as he has a fully developed immune system and has not been exposed to a very contagious and deadly virus recently.

Burden of knowledge is uncool.

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