Hmmmm, pensive mood today; been thinking about relationships. Not just ex's and stuff but people in general- friends, colleagues, acquaintances. The way old friends who you've barely spoken to for a year can suddenly have that friendship renewed because of a change of perspective or circumstances or geography.
It's almost a year since I left Cardiff and moved to Bristol- to start again and sort out my life- and I still find it funny that my best friend here is one that I've known since the first year of university in Wales. Probably see him more these days than anyone else short of work colleagues and effectively we 'work' together on the live vampire game, as well as just kick back and chill whenever we can. Just to say to
Griff, I love you, man, and I don't think I'd be as happy today without a good friend like you. It's almost like extended family (which, as it happens, Griff has in abundance :)
Compadres like
Manicman and
Netaltaego, who I see maybe twice a month, maybe less, but that I email daily and call weekly. I don't really miss that they're no longer geographically near because I never lose touch with them, but when the three of us are in one room, we're untouchable; 'bullet proof' as NA would say. I like that- when 'the boys' are back in town and live for those brief opportunities and fleeting hours of utter comfort in my self :)
New friends that I've never even met in person but have spoken to and revealed more to than I ever have to my sister for example or people I've known for years.
Applepiegirl is one and having read a recent post of her's I realise that I miss speaking to her more than I miss people I used to drink with weekly or socialise with daily. Funny how people can connect and communicate in this fashion and scary to think that only 10% of communication is actually 'verbal' (read written). That's a hell of a lot of missed 'communication', if you know what I mean :) Hell, she's the one person in my life, as it were, that has actually got me writing again- so to you Nat, I send out a great big wet sloppy one and one rather overfamiliar *HUG*
I guess you guys make it all worth it...