Mar 29, 2009 07:27
Note: all typos errors left intact, this is how it was writ this is how it flies:
6:00pm gung ho spaghettio
6:30pm give up on getting canvas this week for death the kid picture. Nuts to you AC moore.
7:00pm get cigs for jim and MOAR beer for Us. This is in addition to the steadily growing
mountain of brew in thier fridge.
7:15pm Get to apartment, Jim gives salutations and mentions some song death song. Him and Joe
are already at the throat of the rock in Joe's bed Room. I grab bass and hop in, for what becomes
hour and a half writing session in a 12 x 6 ' bedroom. It's probably the closest for now we can get to describing how we're all going to die. Song is an upbeat ditty beatles style ditty called death and the dance machine.
8:45pm King of cosmos destroys all the stars. We get to work on fixing this problem. He dropped some pizza for us to eat.
Like we could.
9:30pm go golfing.
10:00pm Some john kid calls says his parents are out and house party sans kid and play
is happening all it needs is some more musicians. We get cracking on one last attempt to get a
decent recording of death and the dance machine down. la la la la la la la 's aren't as confident as we want them.
Load gear, flee, get lost and get goin.
12:00am Arrive at party. Small party but good people. Load gear in get handed a flask of whiskey. MOAR BEER and get rocking. Little doggie named frank there.
12:03am Learn little doggies named frank don't like drums
1:00am Beer + trampoline + drunk people + dangerous and dangerously awesome.
Also no coyotes in Braintree.
2:00am non music people leave. Followed by no more shouts for "snoop dogg" and "that weezer song"
So we actually attempt some versions of our songs. According to Jim I'm actually good at this bass
thing. Sweet. Tape up fingers bloodly looking bulges on fingers. Rock out and
drink up for for 90 more minutes. Get Funky fresh bluesy gritty on the mic.
3:30am Load gear back in go home. Evidently GPS don't work in Quincy. Sing along entire way home
to make sure we got the chorus down. Dually noted that rampaging nights like this are high school esque.
Nostalgia gives way to rain, fog and scenic route of Quincy.
4:15 am, Joe and his drums pass out. Evil Monks kidnap our blind Girlfriend. Then it starts raining
ninjas. Lots of shuriken chucking.
5:00am More pizza. More rocking, break ground on pro wrestling rather than cosmic disaster. Also
6:00 am jim has rode the rock rocket to valhalla. Done. Cds are burnt General consensus that
whatever the bigger picture is for these songs it's going to be catchy. And dangerous. and hot.
Like fire boobs.
6:30 am: Start home. Decide to finally listen to new Mastodon. Am nearly thrown out of car by the sheer power of it.
6:45am finger tips look unhealthy and blistered. Want to pop them. Kinda huge, may drain my precious bodily fluids.
7:00am Get Home. Houdini greets me.
7:32 am finish new Mastodon. write cliche-timeline post for pointless nonsensical blog about night.
am going to bed