Jul 19, 2006 12:58
Beware the little green men who come in the middle of the night with brown thumbs, they are ill-mannered, broke and poorly equipped. Bare with me I'm thinking on sand. Just in case you weren't convinced that your suddenly more active cell phone is just another diversion for the shithammer breaking in through the back door, here is another edition of non blown nonsense and debaucherria. Don't believe me? guess what that smell is you poor bastard.
But first this should cure your geostigma: www.sacrament2006.com
Well the said truth is thus, for the fourth time this week I saw bats overhead. This can mean only one thing ladies and gentlemen this is in fact bat country and safety is void. I have witnesses too, so yes that shadow on the horizon is not an orgy of golden egg laying
bunnies it's just your impending flesh-eating doom. That or the little thing in the back of your mind that made you think just a bit too much about the use of the word orgy in that last sentence. So where does that leave our heroes? Heck should I know my crew mutinied me out of martelo and didn't have the courtesy to let me know let alone they were all off to the real world wherever the hell that is. This unfortunately leaves me
to ponder my place in the world and where I go from here. No band and no jack off job to fund my jack-assery. Also now I have to ignore the cheerleader attempting to convince me I'm a flusher and what the sound and fury was inside my head, if ever. Distracting from this current mess are the Venture Bros. Season 2 perhaps the greatest television event ever. Also Pirates of the Carribean 2 which my vote is frickin A it kicks ass and if you don't think so it's because you're not ready to sail under the flag of faith (or just may just be a lot less naive than I). For some odd reason the last couple of days have had way too many apocalypse now references, premonitions? Either way no good can come of this. Otherwise I am going to seek politcal asylum in New York for a few days and then there'll be fear, loathing and anime in Baltimore. Montgomery Shaw hooked us up the room now who is going? Who is with me he needs people dangit, there is anime to be watched as well I hear this is a ritzy shindig. Also who could pass up a ride in the millenium furiouso?- the only battle wagon with cushioned seating. Hit me up the Otacon?
Well regardless, there might be some art on the way but right now this feels like the fourth act of some horrible independent movie written by some art school student who thinks litter boxes are a good diet.
This in fact the greatest suicide mission destined to fail but no worries I got the right music and am chock full of grit.
Brought to you by The Red Chord, LOG, Cake, other edible things and the hope that my dog is a super hero. One last thing too, the spell check for this suggestion for assery : USSR