"The crazy year in review", or "good lord, what else is going to happen??"

Jan 04, 2008 10:43

or "Things the Universe brought me and Steve together to deal with?... awwww :-p"

Feb 07: 2 months into dating Steve I get SUPER sick and wind up at mass general for 2 weeks. He turns out to be quite the amazing guy :-) On my last day, on the way to pick me up and bring me home, his windsheild gets broken by flying ice off of a truck on the highway.

Spring 07: Find out my parents are getting divorced due to my dad having an affair- akward divorcing parents issues ensue...

Summer 07: I get to spend 5 weeks on the shark boat (first CFer on a NOAA research trip!), which was amazing. While I'm gone both steve's mother and grandmother have major surgery... eventually they are both fine.

Oct 07: Move in with Steve :-) A beautiful neigborhood and a sweet deal financially, but stressful, and having neighbors in the same house always brings issues.

Dec 07: A doozy.
-I have do 3 weeks of home IVs, while preparing for the holidays, while finishing school and trying to keep up in stats- this means about 6 hrs a day of medical stuff- on top of everything else.
-In the midst of trying to divorce my dad, about a week before christmas my mom's mother passes away.
-I stay here to spend Christmas with Steve in hopes that we finally get to spend some time together, then as a result of my parents needing to see me seperately, and spending time with Steve's family, we spend our entire xmas break spending 8 straight days visiting with relatives... we love them, but stressful.

Jan 08: Dosing issues that I had while on IVs in December appear to have been a problem. I went in for my follow up doctor's visit yesterday and my lung function tests are still down, I'll have to go back up to Mass General on monday to do inpatient IVS for maybe 2 weeks (which pretty much ruins the productivity I'm supposed to be having in the lab this month). On the way home from this appointment, a guy rear ends us on I-93! At this point all I can do is laugh, because it all seems so riduculous. Everyone's ok, but the back of my car is busted up and I'm not going to be around to be able to take care of it.


Despite all this seemingly constant stress, I'm generally very happy with my life. I'm living in New England by the ocean and becoming a marine biologist- all on my list of life goals. And I'm so lucky that Steve and I have each other and our families to get us through the tough times.

Sometimes we just need a vacation from our brains/bodies/lives, and sometimes it feels like that's never going to happen.