Apr 18, 2006 16:09
New layout, you ask? Why yes, it IS a new layout.
A pretty snazzy one, if I do say so myself... but I don't like to toot my own horn.
Here's the question of the day: why would someone say that?
First of all, it was a little over the top.
Second, who in their right mind, with a significant other, would say that? Honestly!
Would Ken hit on Skipper, even though he "loves" Barbie?
The answer is no, my friends. No he wouldn't.
James might come visit me tomorrow.
By might, I mean there is a very slim chance that it will actually happen.
I don't want to get my hopes up.
It's a terrible feeling when everything comes crashing down, and you're left standing among the ruins.
And yet, here I go again...
Write this down
r e m e m b e r . e v e r y . w o r d
[You're not the things they told you way back then]
You're so much more than ideas in your head
So bury them, and keep them
So they can return when you're alone
and so that you can fight them in the end.
You say that you're so alone.
Well, loneliness is all you get
(( S o . g e t . u s e d . t o . i t ))